Human Evolution Ch 17.6 “wolf book”
Human evolution is NOT controversial amongst most scientists BUT disagreements on: how many species. Interpretations of new finds diet, habitat, partially or fully upright. Human evolution should not be seen as a simple linear progression of improvement toward our own present-day form. You will see differences in evolutionary models.
About 220 million years ago The first mammal evolves
The first primates evolve 65-85 million years ago The first primates evolve
Primate Characteristics Forward facing eyes: We belong to the Primate order along with lemurs, monkeys, chimps and apes! Primate Characteristics Forward facing eyes: binocular vision: 3-D vision = jump/catch with accuracy Flexible shoulder and hip: movement = swing, bipedal (makes taller/vantage point) Bigger brains: complicated behavior, social, tools Opposable thumbs: grasp, tools
The Opposable Thumb; How useful is it? Introduction: The opposable thumb was caused by a beneficial mutation, which gave some primates an advantage in their environment. This thumb became a successful characteristic that was passed to subsequent generations. This activity is designed for you to appreciate the importance and benefit of having an opposable thumb.
Procedure: Work with a partner, you will need help. Tape your thumbs to the side of your hands. Do this so that you are unable to use your thumbs, but allow the blood to circulate! Several activities are listed. Try to complete each with your thumbs taped. Have your partner record your response. Then switch and have your partner complete the activities while you record their responses. You have 10 minutes for each person…total of 25 minutes NOTE: there is HW DO IT AT HOME
5/27-28 Turn in your opposable thumb HW to the bin
Opposable thumb This activity should have given you insight into how influential opposable thumbs have been in our evolution. It should have also given you insight into behavioral adaptation! You were still able to complete tasks with some modification.
25 million years ago Apes lineage separates from monkeys
15 million years ago Great apes separate from other primates Formation of family hominidae
10 million years ago Chimpanzee/Human ancestor separates from gorilla ancestor
Human lineage separates from chimpanzee/bonobo ancestor 6-8 million years ago Human lineage separates from chimpanzee/bonobo ancestor Toumi – 7million year old fossil a possible common ancestor
4.4 million years ago Age of fossil Ardi
3.2 million years ago Age of fossil Lucy
2.3-2.5 million years ago The first members of genus Homo appear Significant increase in brain size
Which species do we come from? We really don’t know! Lots of fossils, but really hard to figure out which one gave rise to which
What We Think Many species overlapped, some left Africa earlier than homo sapiens did
What is the evidence? The oldest primate fossils are 55 million years old few primate fossils have been found, far older primates may have existed The oldest hominin fossils are from Africa Hominins include humans and extinct humanlike primates Comparisons of human DNA with that of apes suggest that the two diverged between 5 and 8 million years ago
A Possible Evolutionary Trees for Humans H. habilis H. sapiens Orrorin tugenensis A. anamensis Homo ergaster H. heidelbergensis Sahelanthropus tchadensis Australopithecus afarensis H. neanderthalensis H. erectus A. robustus Ardipithecus ramidus A. africanus A. boisei
Biozone: the emerging view?
NOVA To further explore human evolution we will watch a 3 part Nova Series As you watch the movie please answer the questions. We will review the answers. You will be quizzed on the material from these movies. It will benefit you to pay attention and watch them. You will turn in your answers at the end of class for credit. Your HW tonight is Hominin Evolution
Who were the ancestors?? Make an online dating profile for your species of human ancestor/relative Include: Pictures (ideally a rendering of what we think it looked like as well as any fossils) When and where they lived Basic facts about their anatomy and their lifestyle Fun facts and things that make that species unique Use the sheet I gave you are a way to gather the info BUT then make it FUN! Finish for HW & Present it next period! Send it to me via Google drive with permission so I can post it. MAKE SURE YOU ALL CHECK IT OVER AND UNDERSTAND IT B/C YOU PRESENT EVEN IF SOMEONE IS MISSING!
Example Age: Been around 195,000 years Location: All continents except Antarctica Originally from: Africa Hobbies: Walking upright, using my large brain, using language and tools efficiently to build civilization, having the most flexible thumb in our family, enjoying a long childhood Fun facts: Very low genetic diversity relative to other species. We probably all share a common ancestor within the last 8,000 years “Siblings”: The neanderthals, but we probably killed them off. Why You Should Date Me: Less hairy than my relatives, the only species to blush Homo Sapiens