Introduction to the Animal Kingdom
10/21/2015 Traits of the Animal Kingdom: All animals are Multicellular Eukaryotic Heterotrophic
10/21/2015 Use this slide for longer titles There are 9 phyla (pleural for phylum) in the Animal Kingdom and two subphyla: Subphyla: Invertebrates: -an animal that lacks a backbone or notochord. -97% of all animals are invertebrates.
10/21/2015 The Invertebrate subphyla is divided into 8 phylum: 1.Porifera 2.Cnideria 3.Platyhelminthes 4.Nematoda 5.Annelids 6.Mollusk 7.Arthropods 8.Echinoderms
10/21/2015 Subphyla: Vertebrates: -an animal that has a backbone or spinal column. -3% of all animals are vertebrates.
10/21/2015 The Vertebrate subphyla contains only one phylum: 1.Chordates This phylum is divided into 7 classes. 1.Jawless fish 2. Cartilage fish 3. Boney fish 4. Amphibians 5. Reptiles 6. Aves 7. Mammals Hyperlink
10/21/2015 Body Plans found within the Animal Kingdom Asymmetrical: -has no definite shape
10/21/2015 Symmetrical: -arrangement of body parts around a center point. -Two types: -Radial symmetry -Bilateral symmetry
10/21/2015 Radial Symmetry: Radial means… Round -Can be divided into similar pieces by passing through many points.
10/21/2015 Bilateral symmetry: Bi means……… Two Lateral means… Line Can be divided into two similar halves when a line is drawn through a specific point.
What are we????????????? 10/21/2015
A quick review of body plans………. 10/21/2015
Anatomy Orientation: 10/21/2015 Dorsal: Back area Ventral: Belly area Anterior: Front or head area Posterior: Back or tail end Lateral: Side