Diversity of Organisms invertebrate kingdom vertebrate Diversity of Organisms vascular nonvascular fungus bacteria protist
How are living things grouped together? kingdom (king´dәm) The broadest group into which organisms are classified. kingdom
What do animals have in common? vertebrate (vûr´tә brit) An animal that has a backbone. invertebrate (in´vûr´tә brit) An animal that does not have a backbone. vertebrate invertebrate
What do animals have in common? VertebratesInvertebrates
What do plants have in common? nonvascular (non vas´kyә lәr) Containing no plant tissue through which food or water moves. VascularNonvascular vascular (vas´kyә lәr) Containing vessels that transport water and food. vascular nonvascular
What are fungi? Fungi fungus fungus (fung´gәs) Members of a kingdom that cannot make their own food and must absorb it from their environment.
What are bacteria? Ancient BacteriaTrue Bacteria bacteria bacteria (bak tîr´ē ә) Unicellular organisms that have cell membranes but no distinct nuclei.
What are protists? protist protist (prō´tist) A member of the kingdom Protista, which contains mostly unicellular organisms with distinct nuclei. Plant-like Animal-like Fungus-like
Review Main Idea How is the animal kingdom divided? The animal kingdom is divided into vertebrates, which have backbones, and invertebrates, which do not have backbones. Vertebrates are divided into five classes: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. There are different phyla of invertebrates, including sponges, mollusks and arthropods.
Review Main Idea How are organisms in the plant kingdom divided? Plants are divided into vascular and nonvascular.
Review Main Idea How are bacteria classified? The two kingdoms of bacteria are the ancient bacteria, which are generally found in harsh environments, and true bacteria, most of which live in or on other organisms. Details Ancient bacteria – hot springs bacteria True bacteria – pneumonia, Lyme disease Main Idea
Review Vocabulary kingdomvertebrate A) B) an animal that has a backbone the broadest group into which organisms are classified C) invertebrate D)an animal that does not have a backbone vascular Match each word with its definition. containing vessels that transport water and food
Review Vocabulary nonvascula r fungi A) B) a member of the kingdom Protista, which contains mostly unicellular organisms with distinct nuclei containing no plant tissue through which food or water moves C) bacteria D)members of a kingdom that cannot make their own food and must absorb it from their environment protist Match each word with its definition. unicellular organisms that have cell membranes but no distinct nuclei
Review Reading Diagrams How are plants divided?