Classifying Organisms Chapter 7 Classifying Organisms
How do scientists classify organisms? Chapter 7 Lesson 1 How do scientists classify organisms?
Kingdom – largest group in the biological classification system. Dichotomous Key: a tool that uses a series of questions to identify organisms
6 Kingdoms eubacteria archaebacteria protist fungi plants animals
Which organism has 2 kingdoms? bacteria What are the 2 types of bacteria? archaebacteria (ancient) & eubacteria (most common)
Archaebacteria & Eubacteria smallest organism have a single cell do NOT have a nucleus most numerous kind of organism ex: cocci, bacilli, spirochetes Protists may have a single cell or multi-cells has a nucleus have similar characteristics to fungi, plants, or animals ex: protozoa, algae, slime mold Fungi has a nucleus absorbs their food and breaks down other organisms grows quickly and reproduces through spores.
Chapter 7 Lesson 2 How are plants classified?
Big Idea: All plants are multicellular. Almost all make their own food using the Sun’s energy. Plants are classified according to the ways they transport water and reproduce.
Plant Kingdom multi-celled have tissue & organs have cell walls & chloroplasts make their own food Plant adaptation: characteristic that allows a plant to survive. cactus thick waxy skin holds water spines protects
Plant Kingdom Nonvascular Vascular seed seedless (absorbs water; must live near water) ex: moss (tube transports water & gives support) seed seedless Gymnosperms (produces seeds) Angiosperms (produces flowers) Ferns (has spores)
How are animals classified? Lesson 3 How are animals classified?
Animal Kingdom have many need eat most move most reproduce cells oxygen food from place to place sexually Animal Kingdom Invertebrates: no backbone Vertebrates: have a backbone
Invertebrates largest number of animal species have different kind of body symmetries Symmetry: matching forms on opposite sides of a dividing line Bilateral: (straight down the middle) ex: butterfly Radial: (repeats around a center) ex: starfish
Invertebrates Examples Cnidarians = Echinoderms = Arthropods = Mollusks = Worms = jellyfish, coral starfish, sea urchin lobster, crab, insects clam, snail, octopus flatworm, earthworm
Vertebrates may be cold-blooded or hot-blooded – this relates to how an animal maintains its body temperature Cold-blooded – body temperature depends on the environment outside the body Fish Amphibians: begins life in water, but lives partly on land examples: frog, toad Reptiles examples: snake, alligator Warm-blooded – inside body temperature stays the same Birds Mammals examples: human, bear, lion
Animal Kingdom Invertebrates Vertebrates cnidarians echinoderms arthropods mollusks worms cold-blooded warm-blooded fish amphibians reptiles birds mammals
Study Guide Animals that have a backbone are called ________________ . ______________ are animal-like protists. The tool used to identify organisms based on contrasting pairs of characteristics is __________________. ______________ are vertebrates with smooth, moist skin that begins life in the water, but live part of the time on land. The highest level of biological classification is _____________. Animals that do not have a backbone are called __________________. vertebrates Protozoa dichotomous key Amphibians kingdom invertebrates
Gymnosperms produce reproductive structures called __________. Single-celled organisms whose cells do not contain nuclei are called __________________. Fungi obtain food by ____________________. Define vascular: _____________________________________ Define nonvascular: __________________________________ Name 3 protists groups: cones bacteria absorbing nutrients from the environment. has a water transport system does not have a water transport system; absorbs nutrients Protozoa (animal-like) Algae (plant-like) Slime mold (fungus-like)
13. Six Kingdoms of Classification eubacteria archaebacteria protists fungi plants animals
14. How are plants and fungi different? Plants make their own food. Fungi absorbs nutrients from the environment. 15. Compare & contrast angiosperms and gymnosperms? Angiosperm produces fruits & flowers. Gymnosperm produces cones/seeds. Both are vascular plants & have seeds.