1 Project supported by the European Commission ECO-INVESTMENT AND ECO-INNOVATION SUPPORT IN MALOPOLSKA REGION Józef Węgrzyn Environment and Rural Areas.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Project supported by the European Commission ECO-INVESTMENT AND ECO-INNOVATION SUPPORT IN MALOPOLSKA REGION Józef Węgrzyn Environment and Rural Areas Developement Department of Malopolska Voivodeship

2 Prezentation plan  Malopolska Region information: National context Scientific centre Investments location Infrastructure for innovation  Good examples The Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management Activity of Malopolska Regional Agency for Energy and Environmental Management Ltd  Regional situation – problems identified in the regional strategies  How to solve the problem Support ata teh national level Support at the regional level Regional Operational Programme - Malopolska  Contact

3 Malopolska Region – national context  20% of Poland’s population within a 100 km distance from region’s capital  5% of Poland’s area  7,3 % of Poland’s GDP  8 % of Poland’s FDI  12,7% of the number of scientists  10% of the number of students  9,4% of expenditure on R&D

4 Malopolska Region – scientific and academic centre  32 universities and colleges  Jagiellonian University – oldest and most prestigious 203 thous.

5 Malopolska Region - infrastructure for innovation Institutions supporting development of MSP, Innovation and eco- investments in Malopolska:  10 Development Agencies  16 Business chambers  20 Associations of entrepreneurs  8 Foundations  14 R&D units  5 Special economic zones: clusters, technological parks, innovation centres, etc

6 Good examples Examples of existing instrument for innovation and eco-innovation support at the regional level  The Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management The regional fund financed from regional and national budget acting on the basis of the act of parliament „Envronment Protection Law”  Activity of Regional Business Angel Network - RESIK The first regional business angel network created by Malopolska Regional Agency for Energy and Environmental Management ltd in the frame of ESF programme

7 Good example - The Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management  Main objective of WFOŚiGW is to co-finance investments and other actions to benefit environmental protection in Malopolska Voivodeship.  The projects examined by WFOŚiGW are broken down into investment and non-investment projects” Investments in 3 areas: water management, waste management and air protection Non-investment: ecological education, research and development  Beneficiaries: Communes of Malopolska Region Entrepreneurs Other institutions  Ways of financing Donations Preferencial loans

8 Good example- Regional Busines Angel Network  The new network created and managed by Malopolska Regional Agency for Energy and Environmental Management Ltd in march 2007  The Agency (owned by Malopolska Region and Krakow City) is an institutions supporting development of eco-investments and eco- innovation in Malopolska Region through its activity eg:  Regional Business Angel Network – first in our region network serving as a bridge between private investors and innovative entrepreneurs –  The network assemble: Innovative projects – enetrpreuners Equity investors: business angels, seed capitals Supporting institutions: innovation centres, clusters, business centres, technology transfer centres

9 Regional situation – problems identified in the regional strategies Most important regional strategies and programmes: The Malopolska Region Development Strategy The Malopolska Region Innovation Strategy The Malopolska Region Environment Protection Programme defines following main obstacles for innovation and eco-innovation developement: –Lack of coordinated national and regional system of innovative projects financing –Lack of cooperation betweeen businnes support institution, B&R sector and administartion

10 How to solve the problem National support for innovation and eco-innovation Support at the national level  Structural funds and national budget Operational programme “ Innovative Economy” Operational programme “Infrastructure and Environment” Technological Initiative – Minister of Science and Higher Education Programme  Foundations and funds Activity of The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management „Ecofund” foundation Foundation for Polish Science  Commercial activity Banks eg. Environmental Protection Bank – preferential terms National Economy Bank – governmental programmes Business Angel Networks, Seed Capital Funds, Venture Capital Funds

11 How to solve the problem Regional support for innovation and eco-innovation Most important financing programmes supporting innovation, eco-innovation and eco-investments:  Structural funds, regional budget Regional Operational Programme - Malopolska Rural Developement Programme  Foundations and funds (regional budget) The Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management The District (Poviat ) Environmental Protection Fund The Commune Environmental Protection Fund  Commercial activity Banks eg. Environmental Protection Bank, Activity of Regional Business Angel Network - eg. RESIK Private financing

12 Most important regional instrument – Malopolska Regional Operational Programme  Regional Operational Programme is an instrument of realization of regional development strategy with use of European Union funds for  Main objective of MRPO - creation of good environment for economic growth and employment development will be achieved through infrastructural investments and innovation and information society support  Priorities for innovation, eco-innovation and eco-investments in MRPO Priority 1 – Environment for knowledge society development Priority 2 – Regional chance economy Priority 5 – Krakow’s metropolitan territory Priority 7 – Environmental protection infrastructure

13 Contact Environment and Rural Areas Developement Department of Malopolska Voivodeship ul. Basztowa 22, Kraków Tel , fax Contact person: Karolina Laszczak