IAPMEI- Agency of Support for Small and Medium Size Enterprises and Innovation
some data IAPMEI is the Portuguese Agency for SMEs and Innovation and a public body within the Ministry of Economy and Employment. It promotes SME’s development and innovation throught the implementation of policy measures aiming at strengthening entreprise competitiveness and productivity. IAPMEI is the Portuguese Agency for SMEs and Innovation and a public body within the Ministry of Economy and Employment. It promotes SME’s development and innovation throught the implementation of policy measures aiming at strengthening entreprise competitiveness and productivity. Founded in 1975; Total budget (2012) 827 M euros; Staff number: 348 (72% with university degree); 12 regional offices. Founded in 1975; Total budget (2012) 827 M euros; Staff number: 348 (72% with university degree); 12 regional offices. About IAPMEI main role
IAPMEI has an horizontal role in the Ministry … … to promote technological and organizational innovation in SME … to promote private investment … to disseminate information for business … to promote vocational training for SMEs … to promote a better access of SME to financing mechanisms (venture capital, business angels, special loans)..to promote innovation and competitiveness About IAPMEI
Public Policies for SMEs Strengthening the SMEs drivers of competitiveness both internally and externally Strategic Areas 1.Direct Technical Assistance to SME 2.Promote Entrepreneurship 3.New solutions for SME financing 4.Management of Incentive Schemes for Investment 5.Promote Innovation and competitiveness How? Implementing operational programs Staying in line with national and community main policies Promoting partnerships, structural projects and cooperation actions Monitoring and accesssing outcomes Tools,services and specialize information towards SMEs Tools,services and specialize information towards SMEs
5. Promote Innovation and competitiveness Promote Innovation for Competitiveness +E+I – more Entrepreneurship, more Innovation Programme Develop clusters and technological poles Services, tools and specialized information Attract SME´s to the innovation process Partnerships and joint projects with the innovation system’ actors New methologies and support instruments for SMEs competitiveness Smart use of structural funds
Support instruments: competitiveness diagnosis Services, tools and specialized information Benchmarking and Good Practices Enterprise Europe Network European Enterprise Promotion Awards European SME Week ESBI Innovation Scoring Portuguese Benchmarking Index
PORTUGALINOVA NET, the Portuguese consortium (9 Partners) Enterprise Europe Network AIMinho AdI CEC CCIPD AIDA IAPMEI INPI ACIF CCDR-Alg Évora National Intervention Regional Intervention
Enterprise Europe Network helpmake offer match inform collaborate
Benchmarking and Good Practices
IAPMEI – Agency of Support for Small and Medium Size Enterprises and Innovation Promotion of Innovation Unit Phone nº Q&A THANK YOU