The Roaring 20s Why were they “roaring”?
Gross Domestic Product
Do wages rise with inflation? Wages: $21/week in 1921 $25/week in 1925 National Income $58 Bill in 1921 $83 Bill in 1929
Electricity 1920 = 1/3 of all Americans had access to electricity 1929 = 90% of Americans had access to electricity Whose still “left in the dark”?
Stock Speculation Buy stock on installment plan (buy now pay later) You’d put up 10% and your broker would cover the rest
New Technology: Phonograph & Vacuum
Washing Machine, Sewing Machine and Radio
1920s Advertising
Spirit of St. Louis – Charles Lindbergh 1927: First solo flight to Paris Believed flight to Paris couldn’t be “much more dangerous” than air- mail flights he made from St. Louis
Writers: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Earnest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis
Harlem Renaissance
Prohibition: Volstead Act / 18 th Amendment