The Roaring 20’s Social Change in American Society
Increasing Consumerism CREDIT Advertising~ o Billboards~Celebrities~Sex Appeal Want vs. Need More products to buy Personal Prosperity
Sports Mania Increased Leisure Time Increased Income “Age of Play” Tennis, Golf, Football, Boxing (Jack Demsey), Baseball, Swimming (Gertrude Ederle), Basketball Hero Status Segregation
Harlem Renaissance Harlem, NY- Cultural Center JAZZ – Louis Armstrong Black Pride Other Arts recognized: o Aaron Douglas and Langston Hughes Brought Cultures together-Night Clubs
Prohibition 18 th Amendment – Supposed to End Social Problems Speakeasies/Bootleggers Organized Crime - Al Capone Difficult to enforce - Elliot Ness Repealed 21 st Amendment
Popularity of Radio and Movies KDKA- Election of 1920 Music-News-Shows Birth of Hollywood Stars- Pickford, Chaplin, Bow, Valentino Rags to Riches/Moral Decline Major entertainment of the decade
Improved Transportation Henry Ford-Model T- Affordable New Industries New Freedom- Connections-Travel-Entertainment Charles Lindbergh- “The Spirit of St. Louis” Barnstormers Commercial Airlines
Changing Role of Women Work during WWI Right to Vote- 19 th Amendment Involvement in Politics – Jeanette Rankin “Flappers” Birth Control – Margaret Sanger Challenge Traditions