Tsar Nicholas II Incompetent Hen-pecked Bloody Sunday Duma Okrhana Soviets Town Councils Democratic Local Provisional Government Revolution Temporary Mensheviks.


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Presentation transcript:

Tsar Nicholas II Incompetent Hen-pecked Bloody Sunday Duma Okrhana Soviets Town Councils Democratic Local Provisional Government Revolution Temporary Mensheviks Treaty Unpopular Kronstadt Rebellion Veterans Rebellion Trotsky Soviets Bloody Sunday Protest Workers Factory Okhrana Okhrana Secret Police Tsar Intellectuals Bolshevik Communist Extreme Menshevik Lenin Stalin Trotsky Menshevik Communist Moderate Provisional Government Rasputin Orgies Tsarina Healer Legitimacy Russian Civil War Reds Whites Torture Treaty of Brest- Litovsk Soviet Union Germany WWI Provision Lenin Communism Russia Peace, Land, Bread N.E.P. New Economic Policy Capitalism Private Property Business Trotsky Intellectual General Icepick Snowball Rival Stalin Steel Terror Purge Moustache Napoleon Secretary

Kulaks Landowning Farmers Collectivization “Enemy” Class Hyperinflation 1924 Money Assassination Beer Hall Putsch 5-Year Plan Industrialization Factories Urban over Countryside NSDAP Nazi Hitler 1932 Great Terror Elite Purge Secret Police Ezhov Collectivization Farmland Famine Political Control Kulaks Dawes Plan Hyperinflation U.S. Weimar Republic Fascism Inequality Competition Enlightenment War Gulags Prison Isolation Abuses Communism Collective Property Scientific Farmers Workers Cult of Personality Propaganda Rewrite History Media Comintern International Communist Political War Guilt Clause Germany Austria Reparations Weimar Republic Democratic Dawes Plan Hyperinflation Roaring 20s Stab in the Back Legend WWI Germany Nationalist Jewish

Beer Hall Putsch Hitler Failure Bavaria Mein Kampf Lessons Lebensraum Living Space Helots Soviet Union Hitler Youth Boy Scouts Propaganda Eagle League of German Maidens Spanish Civil War Geurnica Fascists Republicans Hitler Stalin Condor Legion Aryan Racial Blonde Blue Eugenics Blackshirts Mussolini March on Rome WWI Veterans Invasion of Ethiopia Mussolini League of Nations Sanctions 1929 Great Depression Hyperinflation Dawes Plan Nazi March on Rome Fascists Blackshirts Mussolini Army Reichstag Fire Decree Parliament Fire Laws Constitution Enabling Acts Constitution Suspension One Day Autarky Economy Self-Sufficient Blockade Strength Though Joy Mandatory Propaganda Appeal Working Class German Labor Front Strength through Joy Union Brownshirts Riots Reichstag Night of Long Knives Veterans

Russia has seized the valuable territory of Crimea from Ukraine. If you were in the U.S. Senate, would you vote for: (Circle any that you’d vote for) a) A declaration of war against Ukraine b) A defensive alliance with Ukraine. If anything else besides the Crimea is taken If you were a foreign policy advisor to the President, or a member of the Foreign Relations committee of the U.S. senate, what information would you like to know about Russia, Ukraine, or Crimea before making any decision?