Roaring 20’s Magazine Project
Magazines vs Newspapers Newspapers covered immediate events – Politics – Economics Daily editions Short Articles Quick Quotes Magazines focused on – Culture – Society – Technology – Special topics Monthly In depth interviews Longer multi page articles Photos
Assignment Students will research the cultural, economic, political and social changes in American society during the 1920’s and create a Life Magazine that feature articles about the time period.
The Life Magazine MUST INCLUDE: – A colorful cover with image(s) & headline related to one of the 1920s articles within. – Interior pages with original articles on the topics below. Articles should be detailed, informative, and utilize multiple sources. Each article must include pictures. There should be 1 to 2 articles per interior page. – A back cover that includes the name and class period of the magazine’s creator AND Works Cited for the project.
Presentation Students will be expected to present their magazine to the class in a manner detailed by the teacher.
Work Cited There Must Be an Article on EACH Topic That You Select For each article, you are required to research the topic of that article. In each article you must have AT LEAST 3 sources of information. At least one source must be a Primary Source At least one source must be a Secondary Source Your third source may be a second Primary OR Secondary Source You may have more than 3 sources for an article Your Works Cited must include the 3 sources you used for each article, or you will not receive credit.
Due Dates Research: Students will have class time to research their topics and draft their articles during the week of December 1 st through 5 th Computer Lab: Students will have time in the computer lab to research, type their magazine articles during the week of December 8 th through 12 th Home: While students will have ample class time to work on their project, the expectation for all students is that they will use time outside of class at home and during PRIDE Period to work on and complete their project. Due Date: B Day – December 18 th Presentations: Students will present their work in class
Topics: Choose 6 of the following 11 Topics Consumer Culture Automobiles & Airplanes Mass Media Women’s' Equality The Jazz Age Writers & Artists Sports Rural vs Urban Youth vs Adult Wets vs Drys during Prohibition Conflict Over Evolution