T HE R OARING T WENTIES Chapter 12 & 13
T HE R OARING T WENTIES Chapter 12 & 13
P RESIDENTIAL T IMELINE Warren G. Harding ( ) Calvin Coolidge ( ) Herbert Hoover ( ) Franklin Delano Roosevelt ( )
P OST -W AR I SSUES - G ROUP D ISCUSSION Treaty of Versailles is never ratified and the U.S. never enters into the League of Nations Scenario: American soldiers are coming home from war and society (often exhausted) is starting to realize that we were pulled into a conflict that we should have never been involved with. What do you think are some problems with American soldiers coming home after the war? What stance do you think the U.S. takes regarding their new foreign policy?
P OST -W AR I SSUES Isolationism- policy pulling away from involvement in world affairs Nativism- prejudice against foreign-born people Fear of communism: Red Scare Communism: equalize wealth and power, putting an end to private property, and substituting government ownership How did the U.S. respond to the spread of Communism? What steps were taken?
F EAR OF C OMMUNISM Red Scare Revolutionaries overthrew the czarist government Called for communists worldwide to rise up The Palmer Raids Anarchists- people who opposed any form of government U.S. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer Civil Rights Hunted down suspected Communists, socialists, and anarchists- failed to turn up evidence Sacco and Vanzetti Italian Anarchists Arrested and charged with armed robbery and murder Victims of nativism
3/26 W ARM -U P What was the Red Scare? Name some events that were caused by the Red Scare. What was the main U.S. foreign policy at the beginning (and during) the 1920s? Define it.
L IMITING AND A NTI -I MMIGRATION “Keep America for Americans!” Unskilled Labor Decreased Nativists felt that those jobs shouldn’t go to immigrants but to real American Chapter 12.1 and 12.2 KKK- What was the role of the KKK during the 1920s? Define the Quota System, what it enforced, and how it enforced it? What was the Boston Police Strike and the Steel Mill Strike? Describe what happened with the Teapot Dome Scandal and why it was significant.
A DVANCES TO S OCIAL L IFE Model T Ford automobile became the first affordable automobile Changed the American landscape Route 66 Growth of suburbs Urban sprawl Allowed workers to live miles from their job American Standard of Living Gasoline and Electric powered machines Electric irons, refrigerators, cooking ranges, and toasters. Modern Advertising New advancement to promote goods
A S UPERFICIAL P ROSPERITY Productivity increased, business expanded Mergers of automobile, steel, and electronic equipment companies Chain stores sprouted Income gap Managers paid more, workers maintained consistent pay Some industries did not grow Iron and railroad industries decreased Farming/Agriculture
N EW S OURCE OF B UYING G OODS Buying Goods on Credit Solution to the problem of luring consumers to purchase goods Installment plan: enabled people to buy goods over an extended period, without having to put down much money at the time of purchase. Interest rates
T-C HART C H Urban LifeRural Life