CFC – YFL District Core Planning. 2009 Evaluation 2009 GoalsAccomplishment 1. CFC YFL Chapters Membership Monthly HH Mtg Monthly Assembly Camps PFO PYM.


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Presentation transcript:

CFC – YFL District Core Planning

2009 Evaluation 2009 GoalsAccomplishment 1. CFC YFL Chapters Membership Monthly HH Mtg Monthly Assembly Camps PFO PYM 2. Leaders (CLS, CS, HHS) PFO HH Mtg CSA SHOUT, Nehemiah, HST, YCT, Skills Training 3. Couple Coords CCT YFL Service Mtg CFC HH & S. Mtg 4. District Assembly DYM Creative Min 50 Active members 2x a month Once a Month 2x in a year Finished Recognized Finish Weekly (2upper /2lower) Quarterly Finish Regular Integrated 2 MM / 2 District Recognized Establish

2010 E3 Directions EvangelizeEmpowerEngage 1.Build 1 Model Chapter 2.Conduct 2 Youth Camp per Area 3.Open New Areas 4.Parents Evangelization 5.Creative Evangelization 6.Summerfest 1.Youth Leaders 2.KFL Servants 3.YFL – SFL Transition 4.Coordinator 1.Stronger Church Relation (Diocese / Parish Level 2.PRO LIFE Advocacy (Chastity Forum, Love Forum, Brotherhood / Sisterhood)

EVANGELIZE A. Build 1 Model Chapter DescriptionWhat to Plan Characteristics: 1.Membership 2.Has Regular Assembly 3.Has Regular HH Meeting in all Levels 4.Conduct CFC YFL PFO 100 active members with coordinators 3 units with 3 pairs of HH per unit Done every 1 st Sunday of the Month Follow Chapter Assembly Track 2x a month HH Mtg for Members Weekly for HH Mtg for HH Servants, Chapter Servants, Cluster Servants Covenant Reco, FER, PDA, YCT, Refresh, Power to Succeed, Home, Friends for Life, FEC Monitor Area / Members Growth / Use CFC YFL Database Set Date of Chapter / Cluster Assembly for 2010 Set HH Mtg and Monitor Attendance Set Date for Covenant Reco, FER, PDA, YCT, Refresh, Power to Succeed, Home, Friends for Life, FEC

EVANGELIZE B. Conduct 2 Youth CampsWhat to Plan 1.Summer Camps (April to June) 2.Sembreak Camps (October to November) 3.Christmas Break Camps (December) Inform your Parish Priest about the Youth Camp Conduct Crowd / Congregation (Recruitment) Activity Set your Youth Camp Date Set you Youth Camp Training week before the Camp Set Household Servants Training a week after the Camp

EVANGELIZE C. Open New Area DescriptionWhat to Plan 1.Establish new CFC YFL Chapter Establish CFC YFL in a parish inside your cluster that is without our presence Identify what Parish to Open Create a Mission Team Set a meeting with its Parish Priest or PYM head Conduct Youth Camp Conduct Follow up Activities Build Leaders

EVANGELIZE D. Parents Evangelization DescriptionWhat to Plan 1.Conduct FER per Cluster Whole day family recollection conducted by CFC FFL members Participants are parents of CFC YFL members with their children Backdoor Evangelization Strategy Set the FER Date Get CFC FFL leaders as speakers Parents Invitation

EVANGELIZE E. SummerfestDescriptionWhat to Plan 1.Conduct Crowd or Congregation Activities These are Recruitment Activities that will be conducted prior the Youth Camp: Summer Dance / Band Competition Summer Sports League Set the date and plan your Crowd and Congregation Activity before your Summer Camp

EVANGELIZE F. Creative Ministry DescriptionWhat to Plan 1.Build Cluster Dance Ministry 2.Build Cluster Music Ministry CFC YFL Dance Group CFC YFL Music Min Identify Cluster Dance and Music Min Head Connect to District Dance and Music Min Head

EMPOWER GOALSWhat to Plan A. Youth Leaders B. Couple Coordinators C. KFL Servants D. YFL-SFL Transition E. New Leaders Conduct Quarterly CSA (March28, August28, November28) SHOUT Nehemiah HST / Skills Training Conduct District CCT Held Coordinators Assembly in our CSA Assign KFL Team per Chapter / Cluster 1.Cluster / Chapter Heart Champs 2.Assign a Chapter / Unit to focus on KFL Conduct Once a Month KFL Assembly Conduct Senior Kids Camp / Junior Kids Day Monitor Heart Champs Monthly Service Mtg with KFL, YFL Attend YFL Pastoral Activities / KFL Reco Identify graduating YFL members Assign Strategic SFL HH for them Conduct CLS for them Assign new YFL Leaders

ENGAGE GOALSWhat to Plan A.Stronger Church Relation B. PRO LIFE PYM / DYM Recognition Active participation in Parish / Diocese Activities DYD Participation Set Love Forum, Chastity Forum, Bro/Sis Overnight

KRAGOALSDirections What to Plan 1.Chapter / Cluster A. Schedule the Following 1.Refresh 2.Power to Succeed 3.Home 4.Friends for Life 5.FEC 6.Covenant 7.FER 8.PDA 9.Chastity Forum B. Monitor Regular HH Mtg C. Youth Camps 1.Mtg with Parish Priest 2.Summer Crowd / Congregation Activity 3.YCT 4.HST D. Open New Area E. KFL Team F. Dance / Music Min G. PYM Involvement 2. District A.CSA B.CCT C.YFL-SFL Transition D.New Leaders E.Love Forum F.Chastity Forum G.Bro/Sis Overnight 3. WYC Preparation Allocation Transportation Gimik Announcement 1 st night Prom 1 st District Servants Training Tent Accom Bibles / Notebook

2010 Schedule Major Activities February Feb 28 Love Forum March Mar 28 Core Assembly (Pre-WYC) Mar 28 CCT April Apr 9-11 WYC 2010 April National Provincial Servants Training April WKC 2010 April SHOUT May May 10 Elections Mission Trips June June 4-6 Nehemiah June CFC Anniversary July July 25 MM CSA August Aug 1 Sportsfest Aug 29 Core Assembly Chastity Forum / Bro&Sis Overnight October October 3 Praise Concert October 17 MM CSA November Nov 7 Youthfest Nov 28 Core Assembly December Cluster Christmas Party

HH Matrix WeeksCluster HdChapter HdHH Hd/ KSMembers 1 st Wk 2 nd Wk 3 rd Wk 4 th Wk Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Chapter Assembly Break HH Mtg / Kids Break / Parish

Thank you & Praise God!