April nd IBTrACS Workshop IBTrACS Version 3 Updates and Plans
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop2 Background ◦ Versions ◦ Access Issues ◦ Naming ◦ Storm Spurs ◦ Treatment of older storms Open time for Questions and Answers
Nov th IWTC, La Reunion Island 14 sources 31,002 total tracks 500,000+ observations ~11,774 storms 6757 TCs with MSW>
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop4 BoM 1,614,1906,1,,S,, ,,,,130,1465,,994,,,WW,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20,11,1907,1,17,23,0,01/17/ :00:00,,,, ,6244 2,614,1906,1,,S,, ,,,,150,1450,,993,,,WL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27,13,1907,1,18,23,0,01/18/ :00:00,1440,,,2520, ,614,1906,1,,S,, ,,,,140,1430,,993,,,LL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,4,1907,1,19,23,0,01/19/ :00:00,1440,,,2160,2282 CMA/STI Dolphin CPHC 2003 TROPICAL DEPRESSION 01-C,,,,,,,,, 08/15 / 1800,13.6,151,1009,30,,,,, 16 / 0000,13.9,152.9,1009,30,",,,, 16 / 0600,14.2,154.4,1009,30,",,,, HKO TCNAME YYYYMMDDHH(UTC) INTENSITY … RITA TD RITA TD RITA TD JTWC – ATCF format WP, 12, ,, BEST, 0, 224N, 1343E, 15, 1010, DB, 0,, 0, 0, 0, 0, WP, 12, ,, BEST, 0, 226N, 1335E, 15, 1010, DB, 0,, 0, 0, 0, 0, WP, 12, ,, BEST, 0, 231N, 1328E, 15, 1006, DB, 0,, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1009, 150, 25, 0, 0, W, 0,, 0, 0, INVEST, S, WP, 12, ,, BEST, 0, 237N, 1325E, 15, 1006, DB, 0,, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1009, 150, 25, 0, 0, W, 0,, 0, 0, INVEST, S, Nadi NAME YYYY MM DD HHHH LAT LONG PRES W(KT) Catergory ========================= ======================= DAMAN Tropical Depression (TD) Phase DAMAN DAMAN Neumann, HURDAT 00005T07/15/1960 M= 7 1 SNBR= 1 HSK0161 BSH0161 JTWC&NCDC /15 * T 25E * T 25E /16* T 20E * T 20E * T 25E * T 25E /17* T 25E * T 25E * T 25E * T 25E /18* T 30E * T 30E * T 30E * T 30E IMD 04/05/1990,0000, 8.5,87.0,1.0,1006, 16, 2,,1006,7, 04/05/1990,0600, 8.5,87.0,1.5,1002, 25, 4,,1006,10, 04/05/1990,1200, 9.5,87.0,1.5,1000, 25, 4,,1004,5, Reunion – Old Format xxxx xxxx xxxx Reunion – New WMO Format 11SWI SWI SWI NCDC TD JMA DOLPHIN Wellington Name,Year,Month,Day,Time,Lat,Lon,PPP,Max,Prog GISELE,1968,4,3,0000,8,156.4,1002,25,H+000 GISELE,1968,4,3,1200,7.4,157.6,1002,25,H+000 GISELE,1968,4,4,0000,7,159,1002,25,H+000 Diamond HD , T00:00:00.0, , , 1 HD , T00:00:00.0, , , 2 HD , T00:00:00.0, , , 3
Nov th IWTC, La Reunion Island Multiple intensities possible1 intensity per report netCDF CSV WMO HURDAT ATCF cXML GIS shapefile Ver. 1 Mean position Mean intensity Mean positionJAOT Mean intensity Kruk et al., 2010 Ver. 2 Mean positionBAMS Mean intensity Knapp el al., 2010 Mean position Mean intensity Original positions & intensity Ver. 3 Original positions & intensity Other parameters as available WMO positionIn prep. WMO intensity
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop6 Google: IBTrACS
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop7
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop8 Problem ◦ Difficulty in comparing inhomogeneous datasets ◦ How to compare Major storms? Cat 5 storms? Etc.? Unify data? ◦ Convert agencies back to a certain wind speed? ◦ IBTrACS has 10, 3, 2 and 1 minute winds ◦ Conversions aren’t necessarily linear.
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop9 Potential for intercomparing storms: percentiles Calculations … ◦ Based on Percentiles of ◦ Separate for wind and pressure ◦ Per agency/basin Are percentiles appropriate when looking at damage to manmade structures? Are percentiles appropriate when looking at damage to natural habitats?
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop10
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop11
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop12 Background ◦ Versions ◦ Access Issues ◦ Naming ◦ Storm Spurs ◦ Treatment of older storms Open time for Questions and Answers
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop13 Two Problem ◦ How to determine if two tracks are the same storm? ◦ How to name/identify a particular storm
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop14 YYYYJJJHTTNNN ◦ YYYY = year of 1 st record ◦ JJJ = day of year ◦ H = hemisphere (N or S) ◦ TT = Latitude ◦ NNN = Longitude (range 0-359) Serial # - Name Cross Reference N21130 bwp141985(jtwc_wp) - RUBY(tokyo) - RUBY(cma) - RUBY(hko) - NOT NAMED(td9636) N08148 bwp161985(jtwc_wp) - TESS(tokyo) - TESS(cma) - TESS(hko) - NOT NAMED(td9636) N09198 bwp151985(jtwc_wp) - SKIP(tokyo) - TWO-C / TROPICAL STORM SKIP(cphc) - SKIP(cma) - SKIP(hko) - NOT NAMED(td9636) N16256 PAULINE(hurdat_epa) - bep161985(jtwc_ep) - PAULINE(cphc) - NOT NAMED(td9636) - bep161985(atcf) N20286 ELENA(hurdat_atl) - bal051985(atcf) N14254 RICK(hurdat_epa) - bep171985(jtwc_ep) - RICK(cphc) - NOT NAMED(td9636) - bep171985(atcf) N27124 (NAMELESS)(cma) N13265 SANDRA(hurdat_epa) - bep181985(jtwc_ep) - NOT NAMED(td9636) - bep181985(atcf)
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop15 Serial # - Strengths ◦ Unique for each storm Serial # - Weaknesses ◦ Depends on starting location and date … which can change ◦ May not be consistent from version to version Suggested improvement?
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop16 120+ registered users Kudos ◦ “Even though IBTrACS is still evolving, your efforts at homogenization on a global scale are very important.” ◦ “Congratulations for getting this complete and publicly available! Keep up the great work!” Feedback ◦ Error corrections ◦ Parameter requests – radius maximum winds, etc. Contact Us at
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop17 Include more variables ◦ “If they provide it, so do we” ◦ ROCI, RMW, Eye Diameter, T num, CI, … Include non-developing storms ◦ Forecast aid development Document tropical cloud clusters Other agencies as available
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop18 Spur – definition ◦ a short or stunted branch or shoot, as of a tree. Split? Merger?
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop19 Definitions on how tracks are identified … ◦ Cycloslois – A track that simply ends ◦ Cyclogenesis – A track that simply begins ◦ Split – A track that begins, but the track originates from another storm ◦ Merger – A track that ends as it converges with another storm Track types are defined by how they begin and end: ◦ StartEndType ◦ CyclogenesisCyclolosisMain ◦ CyclogenesisMergerSpur-Merger ◦ SplitCyclolosisSpur-Split ◦ SplitMergerSpur-Alternate
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop20 Main Merger Split Alternate
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop21
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop22
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop23
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop24
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop25
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop26 Spurs … ◦ … confuse users ◦ … make counting storms difficult Solutions? ◦ Ignore all spurious spurs If life of spur < threshold (2 days?), don’t list ◦ Keep all tracks associated with a storm together? Might lost some storms
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop27 Many storms rescued by digitization of Atlases Some had QC some not Issues include ◦ Starting dates
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop28 Same storm, but repeated due to timing issues
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop29 Same storm, but different resolutions ◦ Daily ◦ 12-hourly
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop30
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop31 Background ◦ Versions ◦ Access Issues ◦ Naming ◦ Storm Spurs ◦ Treatment of older storms Open time for Questions and Answers
11-13 April nd IBTrACS Workshop32 How should storms be named? ◦ Is there an alternative to a serial number? ◦ A better serial number? How should spurs be handled? What aspect of IBTrACS causes the most confusion? What improvements are needed most?