TILC08, Sendai March 2008 国際リニアコライダー (*) Communications challenges Perrine Royole-Degieux * international linear collider
2/16 TILC08, Sendai March 2008 Consequences of US crisis
3/16 TILC08, Sendai March 2008 Gateway to the Quantum Universe 1/2 website : Many translations foreseen Released August 2007 BUT…
4/16 TILC08, Sendai March 2008 Gateway to the Quantum Universe 2/2 “This process will take two to three years using the solid basis provided by the RDR, and will lead to a detailed Engineering Design Report by 2010.” 2 options: - reprint the whole… - paste stickers and reship
5/16 TILC08, Sendai March 2008 the team Fab four we reorganise…
6/16 TILC08, Sendai March 2008 has our plan changed? « External Strategy: gather support for the ILC, explain and promote the global project to government and funding agencies by reaching out to the larger scientific community and key political representatives. » More than ever, communication will mostly be external
7/16 TILC08, Sendai March 2008 internal: united international community external: international endeavour, speaking in one voice Global communication tools
8/16 TILC08, Sendai March 2008 ILC NewsLine 2010 subscribers (1685 last year) support during crisis lack of US news and manpower !! mainly internal
9/16 TILC08, Sendai March constantly updated under revision both internal and external
10/16 TILC08, Sendai March 2008 NewsLine Q 4th issue was thematic for decision makers English only… mainly external
11/16 TILC08, Sendai March 2008 and also… brochures images photos graphics
12/16 TILC08, Sendai March 2008 mainly external : at least 9 main languages cultural specificities different groups of people to be addressed dedicated messages for each region/country Regional communication tools
13/16 TILC08, Sendai March 2008 translations - “Gateway” document Japanese Chinese, Korean German, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish
14/16 TILC08, Sendai March 2008 other documents translate global documents produce specific one-pagers, brochures…
15/16 TILC08, Sendai March 2008 to reach us
16/16 TILC08, Sendai March 2008 ご静聴ありがとうございました。 (*) * thank you for your attention