Smartphone and Tablet Gaming 2011 – SWOT-Analysis of the “Smart” Mobile Gaming Platforms Michael Schade, CEO & Co-Founder FISHLABS Entertainment GmbH Casual Connect 2011, Hamburg, February 8, 2010
INSTALL BASE 2010 *Devices with iPhone specs or better Source: Wikipedia, ComScore, DFC, Gartner, Nokia, Samsung, Microsoft
INSTALL BASE 2011 *Devices with iPhone specs or better Source: Wikipedia, ComScore, DFC, Gartner, Nokia, Samsung, Microsoft
COMPETITION TOTAL *Devices with iPhone specs or better Source: Wikipedia, ComScore, Distima, Pocketgamer
COMPETITION WEIGHTED *Devices with iPhone specs or better Source: Wikipedia, ComScore, DFC, Gartner, Nokia, Samsung, Microsoft
INDIES DOMINATE ON THE APP STORE Source: Distimo Report, Full Year 2010
INDIES DOMINATE ON ANDROID MARKET Source: Distimo Report, Full Year 2010
INDIES POPULAR ON OVI Source: Distimo Report, Full Year 2010
BRANDS DOMINATE ON WINDOWS PHONE 7 Source: Distimo Report, Full Year 2010
Apple iOS Large install base Very solid app store but no MNO billing Some fragmentation Some piracy Huge competition Casual heavy on freemium Hardcore and brands heavy on premium Heavy price pressure Google Android Large install base Improved app store with MNO billing Heavy fragmentation Heavy piracy Strong competition but low quality OEMs and MNO app stores Heavy price pressure SWOT ANALYSIS Nokia Symbian^3 Small install base Improved app store with MNO billing Very little fragmentation Heavy piracy Some competition Casual heavy on freemium Hardcore and brands heavy on premium Nokia committed to drive DLs Windows Phone 7 Small install base Solid app store Little fragmentation Little piracy Some competition Premium category Cross platform
TABLET VS. SMARTPHONE Split by device split since
TABLET VS. SMARTPHONE Split by device split since
What business? Premium Try&buy Freemium Ad-funded What platform? iOS Android Symbian^3 Windows Phone 7 MeeGo Bada What engine? AirPlay Unity Unreal In-house KEY CONSIDERATIONS
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