Rotund Ricky The Video Game By: Jaylon Cunningham, Corey Jones, Chris Jookar, and Tanner West
Concept / Main Idea Our concept is about a fat guy named Roton Robbie the race car driver. His sponsor is Kit-Kat. He wants to lose weight. He has an ape named Dumpling. Dumpling is helping him with this goal. So, Dumpling is getting special kit kat bars to give to Robbie. He is trying to give him the least possible. Which are separated into 16ths and each time he races he eats one piece to represent his supporting company on television. He became a little to OVER-WEIGHT because of sweets and he can't sit behind the steering wheel and isn't even close enough to even reach the wheel. What should he do? His pet ape named Dumpling needs to help him lose weight and give him the correct amount of Kit-Kat to eat each race. So Dumpling comes up with a plan: 1.Get Ricky to lose weight 2.Make special Kit-Kat bars to eat after races 3.Make easy money
Scoring The way that you can score in this game is if you get a question right. If you get one right you get 100 points. If you miss one than you lose 50 points. After you get 5 questions right you start earning 150 points for every correct question. You still only lose 50 points for every wrong answer. After you get to 2000 points you win the game.