Downloading eBooks to Your Device From OverDrive
iPad/iPhone Users To begin downloading eBooks, you will need to download the Kindle app from the App Store. You will also need an Amazon account.
Go to our website: Move your mouse to the References/Resources tab and select OverDrive.
You are now on the South Dakota Titles to Go website and you can browse for books
It may be easier to do an Advanced Search in order to find a book that is available. To do this, click on the Advanced Search button at the top right and fill in Kindle Books under the Format tab and check the Available Now box.
Because we have a limited number of copies of eBooks, it may be necessary to place a book on hold. To do so, select the book and click Place a Hold.
You will be prompted to give your address so they can contact you when your book is available. Click Place a Hold and you’re done.
Once you have chosen a book, you will select Borrow and will automatically be taken to the Log-in information screen. You will select Vermillion Public Library from the drop-down menu. Next you will enter your library card number for your password and last name for PIN.
You will then click the Download button and it will give you the formats that are available. In this instance, you would select Kindle Book. Once selected, you click on Confirm & Download.
At this point in the process, you are now automatically redirected to the Amazon website. You will need to make sure you are signed in to your Amazon account before you click Get Library Book. It may take a few minutes, but the book will now be on your device.
Your book will automatically expire from your device when the lending period is up. You are able to return books early if you want via the Manage Your Kindle link at
iPad/iPhone users simply tap on the Kindle app icon and the books you downloaded will be there.
Kindle Fire, Fire HD or Fire HDX Devices With these devices, you can use OverDrive’s mobile app to borrow eBooks simply by going to the Amazon Appstore and downloading OverDrive Media Console (OMC).