6 Trait Model for Native Spirituality
1.) Religious Experience: Polytheistic (belief in many gods) vs. monotheistic (belief in 1 God) One Supreme Creator-made Holy Mother Earth Power in the universe is shared with other Personified Spirits-like the god of the sea “The Sea Woman” For Aboriginals, connecting with God means connecting with nature. Nature is very important.
2.) Sacred Stories: There are 5 Common myths in Aboriginal Spirituality- Creation, Trickster, Hero, Divine, Cultural Myths These myths deal with a wide range of topics- how the earth began, how the gods came to be, how suffering came to be, etc. Rich tradition of sacred stories passed down to share morals/values as well.
3.) Symbols and Rituals: Vision quest – coming of age ceremony (Pg 43) Totems – protective entity in the form of an animal, natural object or plant (Hand-out) Sweat lodge – physical and spiritual healing (Pg 40) Tree of Peace (Pg41) Eagle feather – symbol of strength (Page ) Smudging ceremony – sweet grass is burned and smudged (Page #55) Sun Dance, Potlatch Ceremony, Shaking Tent, Morning Dance, Sweatlodge.
4.) Community of Faith: Elders: The importance of them. Shamans: believed to have a special connection to spirit world- so they lead ceremonies and help to interpret vision quests Faithkeepers- How traditions are passed on 6 Aboriginal Cultural Groups In Canada:
5.) Teaching and Doctrine: Animism: Re-Incarnation: Understanding about death and the afterlife. Treat the environment with reverence because it keeps us alive Be able to understand the connection between Aboriginals and the environment. David Suzuki’s Nature Challenge
6.) Morality/Ethics: life depends on treating the environment with respect and dignity-Principles of the Earth Charter concern for the common good – work together respect all things of the Creator do not let technology overtake spirituality Code of Handsome Lake
EXPERT TERMS/CONCEPTS Polytheistic Animism The Golden Rule Cosmocentric Nostra Aetate Shaman Perspective Pictography Mystery Code of Handsome Lake Trickster Vision Quest Elder Earth Charter Sweat Lodge 6 Trait Model