Working with academics to promote online resources to students Judith Keene Information and Learning Services
WHY PROMOTE? Value for money Encouraging wide resource use amongst students Lifelong learning Independent learning Subject benchmarks Theres more than textbooks / Google / ……!
OVERVIEW Promoting to academics Validation and Course development Keeping them updated Promoting with academics Evidence base Collaborative teaching Demonstrating the impact Some final points
Included on validation panels – training by Academic Quality Unit Automatic pre-validation visit to partner colleges – checklist of resources developed with AQU – report prepared in advance of validation event –Collaborative development of learning objects Course development in a few areas VALIDATIONS AND COURSE DEVELOPMENT
Whats new, who is it for, why should they care? Blogs RSS feeds KEEP THEM UPDATED
What is and isnt used by students – and why? Inform selection decisions - sense of ownership for academics Techniques Cost per use of databases and full text resources Citations analysis Collections assessment EVIDENCE BASE
COLLABORATIVE TEACHING PROJECT 1 – RETRIEVING INFORMATION Traditional model of demonstrating database and follow up worksheets Lecturer involved in: –Setting assignment / learning outcomes –Reinforcing in subsequent weeks –Jointly measuring change in skills and quality of bibliographies
Higher cognitive skills involved Group work used to discuss and draw out principles based on subject-specific scenarios Lecturer involved in: Devising appropriate scenarios Measuring change in skills and quality of bibliographies COLLABORATIVE TEACHING PROJECT 2 – EVALUATING INFORMATION
Benefit from existing teacher / student relationship Benefit from their teaching experience Student-centred activities relating to the subject Timely linking to module assignment and learning outcomes (via Blooms taxonomy) Reinforcement by lecturer in subsequent sessions Influence lecturers awareness and ILit skills COLLABORATIVE TEACHING - RESULTS
Does it make a difference to their students? Statistical change in the composition of the bibliographies e.g. more peer reviewed journals Increase in confidence Improved searching skills (through observation, self assessment, interview) Views of lecturers DEMONSTRATING IMPACT
Are we credible? Up to date Appropriate qualifications / training Clear views on e.g. Information Literacy SOME FINAL THOUGHTS