2009 R1 Winter Meeting Newark, NJ – 7 Feb 2009 R1 GOLD Report Uri Moszkowicz R1 GOLD Coordinator
Overview R1 GOLD Membership R1 GOLD AGs Past Events Future Events Other topics Contact Information
R1 GOLD Membership Binghamton3440 Boston Buffalo3738 Connecticut Ithaca2735 Long Island Maine4944 Mohawk Valley2120 New Hampshire New Jersey Coast55 New York North Jersey Central Jersey Providence8799 Rochester88 Schenectady6670 Springfield3945 Worcester6059
R1 GOLD AGs New Affinity Groups –New Hampshire (Jen Schelly) –Schenectady (Mark McDonald) New leadership –Boston –North Jersey –Rochester
Past Events
Humanitarian Workshop Date: October 18, 2008 Location: Boston University 115 Participants –70 members, 45 non-members –40 students, >50 working Speakers –UN foundation, EWB-USA, IEEE, MIT, NEU, LinkNet Zambia 10 fellowships given out
GOLD Summit Date –Sept 18-19, 2008 Location –Quebec City (Sections Congress) 68 Attendees –4 from R1 Best poster
Future Events
IEEE-USA Meeting Date –Feb 26 – Mar 1 Location –Salt Lake City R1 GOLD members –Jignasa Ray (NY) –Jen Schelly (NH) –Dave Tran (Boston) –Vishnu Pandey (Worcester) Will reuse GOLD Summit Poster
2009 R1 GOLD Conference Date –April 25 – 26 Location –Trenton, NJ (Trenton Computer Festival) Local GOLD members only GOLD track –Popular GOLD topics Exposure to IEEE, GOLD, and WIE Networking opportunity
Other Topics Area events –Area A: Skiing –Area B: Ice Skating Graduation Receptions –Boston –NY/NNJ GOLD Promotional Items Annual GOLD Meeting –Date: May –Location: IEEE Headquarters
Contact Information Uri Moszkowicz