Welcome to Seminar HW215 Models of Health and Wellness Unit 3 – Paradigm Shifting: Health and Wellness Dorette Nysewander, EdD
ANNOUNCEMENTS Messages ─ Subject: HW215.Dr.N.Paper Discussions ─ Initial discussion posts must be made by Saturdays at 11:59 PM ET March 16, 20112
3 AGENDA Review of Unit 2 “Cultural Jumble” Unit 3 Cultural differences in healthcare Political pressures affecting health
March 16, TOTENCX The framework, setting, or environment related to a topic?
March 16, RUELUCT Term used in relationship to health and wellness refers to the ethnicity, customs, way of life, traditions, et al of a specific society?
March 16, APATTIANDO Designates a modification, adjustment, or change in the way one thinks of and approaches a topic. For example, using one society’s understanding of health and wellness and incorporating it into holism?
March 16, OBGLAL LAHTEH Viewpoint of health that is beyond political, geographical, and cultural boundaries?
March 16, ERMIMNOIS What is one method of language that involves being completely engaged in a concentrated study?
March 16, TULMI-LURLATUC As it relates to the understanding of health – is a term describing many cultures coexisting in a specified area without any one culture dominating health attitudes, concepts, and/or practices?
March 16, TILSHOCI To focus on the ‘whole’ instead of compartmentalizing or viewing a theory, topic, or subject as composed of separate parts?
March 16, ELIBARL UTMIL-LUSITMURCAL Embracing the concept that various cultures relate to and interact with one another without regard to power hierarchies, acknowledging ethnic variety?
March 16, IRLCICAT UTMIL-LUSITMURCAL Concerned with majorities, minorities and the existence of inequity within societies based on power and hierarchy?
March 16, DITNILICPSIRYALUM Studying or using several specialized subjects or skills?
March 16, Discussion Question 1 How does family planning, infertility care, abortion, sterilization and adoption practices differ in Mexico, China and South Africa?
March 16, Discussion Question 2 How does communism affect health care in China?
March 16, Discussion Question 3 What are the women’s rights issues in South Africa?
March 16, Discussion Question 4 What is CAM? Provide examples. How can CAM be integrated into traditional medicine ?
March 16, Discussion Question 5 Why has it taken so long for CAM to be recognized in the United States?
March 16, Any Questions? Seminar Content? Your Course? Technology?
Unit 3 Project What is the role of religion and spirituality in health? How might religion, spirituality and science be integrated as part of a paradigm shift to holistic healing? How might the use of a Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) model serve as a paradigm shift? Introduction (purpose statement or what the paper discusses) Religion and Spirituality in Healing (briefly discuss) Science and Healing (briefly discuss) Benefits of Using the CAM Approach (briefly describe) Conclusion (Summary of what the paper discussed) References (APA format) March 16,
March 16, References Holtz, C. (2008). Global health care: Issues and policies. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Kaplan University. (2011). HW215 course materials. Retrieved February 14, 2011, from Microsoft Corporation. (2011). Clipart. Retrieved February 14, 2011, from
Unit 4 Project Choose one type of pollution: air water food pollution Design a one page flyer/handout about the specific pollution you have chosen Targeted message should be directed to high school students March 16,