For £100 pounds... Which fashion designer made the mini skirt popular in 1965? Hubert Givenchy Yves Saint Laurent Mary Quant Donna Karen
Wrong Answer!
For £500 pounds... Which artist created pictures like this? Van Gogh David Hockney Monet Andy Warhol
For £1,000 pounds... What do the initials LP stand for? Lovely playing Lively playing Long play Listen precisely
For £10,000 pounds... Which was invented first? Record player I don’t know! Both were invented at the same time Transistor radio The record player or the transistor radio
For £50,000 pounds... Which of the following is a dance from the 1960s? The Donkey The Monkey The Camel The Pig
For £75,000 pounds... What music programme started in 1964 and finished in 2006? Ready Steady Go Chart Show Jukebox Jury Top of the Pops
For £250,000 pounds... At what speed would you play a 7 inch record? 45 rpm 15 rpm 33 rpm 65 rpm
Click to see full size image, click again to make it disappear then click again to make a smaller image stay on the screen. For £500,000 pounds... Who is the missing Beatle? John Lennon Ringo Starr Paul McCartney George Harrison
For £1,000,000 pounds... In 1966 a 7 inch single cost 7s 2d. What is that worth in modern day money? 36p 34p 40p 30p
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