Back To School Night Affective Skills Terra Blaisure STEPS teacher Kristen Killinger Classroom Therapist
About Ms. Blaisure Graduate Pennsylvania State University 8 years of teaching, 7 th year of teaching at EHS. Currently Teaching English, Algebra, Social Studies, Science, and Affective Skills Program material can be found on website
About Mrs. Killinger Undergraduate and Graduate Degree from Shippensburg University Been in the Counseling Field for the past 6 years
Affective Skills Topics 1.Coping skills 2.Self-esteem 3.Anger Management 4.Self-control 5.Substance Abuse 6.Social Skills
Grading Grades are given based on classroom participation and assignment completion- all work will be completed in class Grades are updated weekly and each student’s grade can be checked through the Home Access Center
Absences Students who have an excused absence for that day will be excused from class work for that day Students who have an unexcused absence will receive a 0 for that day’s class work
Homework Homework is not given in this class
Behavioral Expectations Task- Stay on task and complete all assigned tasks. Interactions- Ignore negative behavior and focus on interacting appropriately with staff and other students. Directions- Follow directions given to you by any staff member. Area- Be in your assigned seat or area at all times. Language- Use appropriate language and manners throughout the school day. Due to the nature of the class, confidentiality plays a large role in the expectations of the class, students are expected to respect the confidentiality of others
Communication - best way to contact me during the day Phone: Ext 400 will return calls during my lunch period or at the end of the day