Myersville Citizens for a Rural Community 1 Myersville Citizens for a Rural Community March 11 th and 14th Note: It is critical to reference the new Docket No. CP12-72 associated with DTI’s formal application to FERC
Myersville Citizens for a Rural Community 2 Timelines (all future dates are TBD) DTI - FERC MilestoneSchedule DTI submitted application to FERCFeb 16 th Submit motion to be an IntervenorMarch 30 th FERC submits final Environmental Assessment or issues Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review Prior to Mid-May Public comment on the final EAW/in 30 days of issued EA FERC issues certificate of Public Convenience and NecessityDec ‘12 DTI begins construction (may need specific certificates from all states)Early 2013 DTI online and in serviceNov DTI - Town MilestoneSchedule DTI submits application to modify the Town’s Master PlanApril DTI attends Mayor and Town Council MeetingMay 8 th Planning Commission meetings Planning Commission vote Town Council vote
Myersville Citizens for a Rural Community 3 Call to Action - FERC Intervenors Become an “intervenor” who is an official party to the Commission's proceedings Intervenors: File briefs Appear at hearings Appeal the Commission's final ruling Instructions for becoming an intervenor are included in the User's Guide under the “e-filing” link on FERC’s Web site. Sample Intervenor forms are available on our website.
Myersville Citizens for a Rural Community 4 Get Involved - We need your help Submit a letter to FERC or submit an electronic filing prior to the deadline of March 30th commenting on DTI’s application to FERC. Request that DTI submit an environmental impact study Request that DTI expand its residential impact radius to one mile Other comments should address Necessity, Convenience, Environmental, Health, Safety and Cultural concerns This is a critical time to define our arguments for appeal if FERC approves DTI’s application. Donate funds to acquire legal representation for the community.
Myersville Citizens for a Rural Community 5 Get Involved - We need your help Write to your political representative Tell them the FERC process is flawed olocal government has its hands tied olocal zoning ordinances and local government procedures are negated by FERC process orapid timing of FERC process puts citizens at a distinct disadvantage, etc. The proposed compressor station conflicts with the Highway Employment Overlay zoning Request that the Mayor and Town Council thoroughly adhere to the Myersville master plan review process as they would regarding any applicant
Myersville Citizens for a Rural Community 6 Get Involved - We need your help Attend Myersville planning commission meetings - 1 st Tuesday of each month Attend Mayor & Council monthly meetings – 2 nd Tuesday of each month Provide your address so we can keep you in the loop and respond to your questions Watch the website to stay abreast of critical deadlines: Attend the May 8th rally at the town hall when DTI plans to attend the Mayor and Town Council Meeting
Myersville Citizens for a Rural Community 7 FERC instructions for Docket CP12-72 Electronic Filing eFiling is a file attachment process. Prepare your comments in a text file or word processor. New users must first eRegister to use eFiling. After you complete the eRegister form, you will receive an with a link that completes the process. The entire process takes less than 10 minutes. Filling questions contact number is Quick Comments Quick Comments allows you to enter up to 6000 characters of text via the FERC web-site. Quick Comments does not require eRegister. You only need to enter a name, address, and optional phone number. Paper Filing via the U.S. Postal Service Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Room 1A Washington, DC Note: It is critical to use the Reference Docket No. CP12-72
Myersville Citizens for a Rural Community 8 Town Planning Commission Process
Myersville Citizens for a Rural Community 9 Call to Action - Legal Representation Carolyn Elefant, Esq. – Experienced with FERC process MCRC will be Incorporated to ensure your money is properly spent for legal support
Myersville Citizens for a Rural Community 10 MCRC Contact Information Web Site - Facebook - It is critical to reference the new Docket No. CP12-72 associated with DTI’s formal application to FERC