BAD Building Technical Assistance Grant Program Overview Luke Elser Northern WV Brownfields Assistance Center January 16 th, 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

BAD Building Technical Assistance Grant Program Overview Luke Elser Northern WV Brownfields Assistance Center January 16 th, 2015

Definition of BAD Buildings Structures and properties which are vacant, uninhabited, and in a state of disrepair, whose owner is taking no active steps to bring the property back into functional use.

Background: Program Model Model is based on NBAC’s approach to brownfield redevelopment community-driven stakeholder engagement fact-based decisions Provides a defined process to begin tackling abandoned/dilapidated buildings in a community through technical assistance and site analysis tools. Targeted at communities with limited local capacity and lacking a robust abandoned/dilapidated buildings program.

Background: Program Model 1.Form a BAD Buildings Team 2.Train the team to identify and research potential BAD Building sites 3.Develop a BAD Buildings Inventory of sites through assessment and prioritization 4.Research property ownership 5.Identify next steps for the redevelopment of high value sites 6.Create a BAD Buildings Redevelopment Plan.

Principles of the BAD Buildings Program 1.Prepares property for reuse and reintroduction into the local market. 2.Utilizes transparent and efficient process for identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing properties. 3.Priority criteria are determined by local stakeholders. 4.Includes all stakeholders at each step of the process. 5.Local municipal government plays a vital role.

Funding Opportunity Eight (8) communities – redevelopment planning valued at $10,000 Programmatic support from NBAC staff Technical support - team training, site analysis tools, inventory templates, etc. GIS support

Applicant Eligibility Unit of local government Non-profit organization Government entity created by State Legislature Redevelopment Agency that is chartered or otherwise sanctioned by the State. The applicant will define the geographic area to be inventoried and prioritized as part of the program application. Typical areas will be based on municipal, town, community, or county boundaries.

Application Overview Application Cover Sheet Community Description Description of Need Capacity for Project Implementation Letter of Support from municipal government entity Signed letter(s) of support and commitment Proof of non-profit status & mission statement (if applicable)

Application – Community Description Description of the community. List of community stakeholders impacted by abandoned/dilapidated buildings in the community. Level of community involvement and other support for redevelopment of abandoned/dilapidated buildings. Previous or current efforts to address abandoned/dilapidated buildings in community.

Application – Description of Need Describe impacts abandoned/dilapidated buildings have on the community. Describe any potential reuses already identified for abandoned/dilapidated properties in the target community. Anticipated results of a successful abandoned/dilapidated building program.

Application – Capacity for Implementation Describe applicant ability to administer technical assistance activities. Identify how the community will be involved in the project. Provide a plan for continuing project activities after project completion.

Application DUE: February 13 th, 2015 Electronic Submissions: no later than 11:59 p.m. EST February 13 th, 2015 Hard Copy Submissions: Must be postmarked by February 13 th, 2015 to: Northern WV Brownfields Assistance Center 385 Evansdale Drive, Suite 201 (for commercial delivery service) PO Box 6064 (for U.S. Postal Service) Morgantown, WV

Evaluation Criteria - Threshold 1.Community located in West Virginia 2.Applicant meets eligibility requirements, per administrative guidelines 3.Application is complete, timely, & follows application guidelines

Capacity for Implementation Form BAD Buildings Team Survey community & identify potential BAD Buildings Complete BAD Building Redevelopment Plan Participation at the 2015 BAD Buildings Summit Reporting Submit mid-term and final reports Applicant Obligations – Stage I

Tips for Successful Applicants Complete all application sections with as much detail as needed to describe your community. Work closely with NBAC on application development Reach out to partner organizations early in the application process to gain support. Demonstrate how the project will grow beyond the assistance of the BAD Building Program.

2015 Program Schedule January 7, 2015 Release of Request for Applications February 13, 2015 Applications Due February 27, 2015 Technical Assistance Awards Announced & Distributed March – April 2015 Formation of BAD Buildings Team May – July 2015 Creating BAD Buildings Inventory August – October, 2015 Review of Inventory and Prioritization September – October, 2015 Attend the 2015 BAD Buildings Summit October – January, 2016 Development of BAD Buildings Redevelopment Plan May 27, 2016 Final Report Due

Questions? Program or Application Questions: Luke Elser, Project Manager Northern WV Brownfields Assistance Center Patrick Kirby, Director Northern WV Brownfields Assistance Center George Carico, Program Coordinator WV Brownfields Assistance Center at Marshall University For general brownfields questions, contact your regional center director: