Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Reality and Teleoperation
Haptics ‘The sensibility of the world adjacent to the body by use of the body’ (Gibson, 1966)
Kinesthetic Feedback Golgi tendon organs (force) Muscle Spindles (position and velocity) Experimental data ambiguous Bandwidth estimates Hz. (Brooks, 1990)
The Cutaneous Sense
Haptic Interfaces Constrained Motion Devices Tactile Displays
Constrained Motion Devices Force Feedback DOF constrained to portray contract. ‘Virtual free space’ ‘Virtual constraint’
Device Limitations Sampling Period Device Dynamics Power Limitations
Ideal Equivalent Performance |Z|, dB Virtual Constraint Virtual Free Space Max Impedance for Free Space Min. Impedance For Hard Contact FORBIDDEN REGION Freq.
Low Inherent Impedance Nominally displays Virtual free space. Position feedback increases impedance. High gain servos constrain motion. Limitations: Stability & power
High Inherent Impedance Nominally displays Virtual Constraint. Impedance reduced by force feedback. Framework conveys stiffness. Limitations: Dynamics & Stability
The HapticMASTER
TextureShape High FrequencyLow Frequency Region of Ambiguity Bandwidth & The Haptic Spectrum
Temporal & Spatial Relationships t = s v t = Temporal frequency (Hz.) s = Spatial Frequency (Cycles/m.) v = Exploration velocity (m/s).
Vibrotactile Display Bonded Neodymium Magnets, Radially Polarised Magnetic Field LVDT Spring Retaining Plate 200 Turns of 0.6mm Diameter Copper Wire 37mm 20mm 110mm 15mm
Multi Modal Interaction HCI Occurs Using: Haptic Visual Auditory Smell ?!? Overcome limitations using other modes.