First Aid is giving help to someone in need the right way. If your friend is seriously injured you should immediately call for help!!!
C heck out the situation C all for help C are for the victim
A cut is an injury to the skin caused by something sharp. When you receive a cut: Wash it with clean water Dry thoroughly Apply antiseptic Put a bandage on it
A splinter is when something (glass, wood, etc) gets embedded in your skin. When you get a splinter, white blood cells attack the object in your skin. Before dealing with a splinter, make sure you wash your hands with soap and water.
When small blood vessel breaks underneath your skin and blood leaks out – this is called a bruise. You should apply ice to a bruise. When you get a bloody nose you should: Sit down, relax, place a cold wet towel on it, and tip your head forward.
What causes burns? Fire, hot liquids, electricity, sunlight, chemicals, radiation 3 types of burns: 1 st Degree – mildest, only top layer of skin Heals on its own - Mild sunburn 2 nd Degree – more serious, involves top 2 layers of skin – A sunburn that blisters 3 rd Degree – most serious, involves all layers of skin – electric burns
1 st and 2 nd Degree Burns Pour cool water over burn or cover with wet cold compress. DO NOT apply ointment or ice to burn. Also DO NOT remove clothing that is stuck to the burn. 3 rd Degree Burns Call for help immediately DO NOT remove clothing that is stuck to the burn.
Many household products can cause poisoning. Poisons can enter your body through your stomach, lungs, and skin. If you find someone who has been poisoned: If they are unconscious or not breathing call 911 Try to find the source of the poisoning (look for bottles or boxes nearby, if the victim is awake – ask him or her). Call the local poison control center right away!
If you find someone who has been poisoned: Only induce vomiting if a doctor or someone at the poison control center tells you to. Ipecac syrup is more effective at inducing vomiting then sticking a finger in the back of your throat. 900,000 emergency room visits every year are from poisoning. 90% of these are caused by items in the home.
Signs of Poisoning: Difficulty breathing or erratic breathing Drooling Drowsiness Enlarged or shrunken pupils Kids are more likely to be poisoned than adults. Boys are more likely to be poisoned than girls. Just one cup of a poison can be dangerous to a kid. They don’t have to drink a whole bottle to be poisoned.
Most cases of poisoning can be prevented!!! Even if you are being careful you can still be poisoned – make sure you read all directions when handling chemicals. Keep medicines out of reach of children. Know what plants are poisonous: Poison ivy, mistletoe, holly, hemlock, some mushrooms, some berries, some garden plants. Eating the skin on a green potato can give you a stomach ache. Just because an animal eats a plant doesn’t mean it’s safe for humans to eat.
Occurs when electricity is passed through someone’s body. It can make the victim’s heart stop. Try to get the victim away from the source. Try to turn off the source, if you can’t, use a broom handle, stick, or dry rope to move the victim away from the source. Call for help. If you can touch the victim safely, give first aid until help arrives.
A fracture is a broken or cracked bone. DO NOT move the injured area if you are helping someone with a fracture, you may make the injury worse. A dislocation is when a bone has been forced out of its normal position in a joint. DO NOT try to put the bone back in place. Keep the joint immobile and seek medical attention.
The body’s response to reduced blood flow. Symptoms Pale, cool, and clammy skin Heart rate is fast but weak, feels lightheaded Breathing is slow and shallow If you suspect someone is in shock: Call for help immediately, keep victim warm and awake, elevate feet, provide first aid for any other injuries.
Something is obstructing someone’s airway If a victim can cough or speak or still breath they are not choking. Stay calm and act fast Use abdominal thrusts – actions that apply pressure to a choking person’s stomach to force an object out of the throat.
During hot, humid weather, the body’s internal temperature can rise and result in heat exhaustion or heat stroke. If untreated heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke which can be fatal Heat Exhaustion Severe thirst, muscle weakness, vomiting, increased sweating, cool, clammy skin, body temperature up to 104° F
Heatstroke Severe, throbbing headache, dizziness or confusion, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, not sweating, body temperature of 104° F or higher. What to do: If severe call 911 immediately!!!! Bring victim inside or in shade, lie down, put cool (not cold) water on victim, give sips of clear fluids, monitor temperature.