Handling Hands On Does the direction from Arkansas Department of Education: “Students should be engaged in hands-on laboratory experiences at least 20%


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Presentation transcript:

Handling Hands On Does the direction from Arkansas Department of Education: “Students should be engaged in hands-on laboratory experiences at least 20% of the instructional time.” make you want to throw your hands in the air? Well than hands down this workshop is for you. You will leave with some handy ways to keep the mess contained, lower the noise level, and clean up in a snap. So put your hands together for hands on science!

Kagan Structures for Success From Traditional to Cooperative Learning From... “A good class is a quiet class.”To… “Learning involves healthy noise.” From…“Keep your eyes on your paper.” To…“Help your partner solve it.” From…“Sit quietly.” To…“Get up and look what others did.” From…“Talking is cheating.” To… “Verbalize to learn.”

4 Basic Principals of Kagen 1.Positive Interdependence 2.Individual Accountability 3.Equal Participation 4.Simultaneous Interaction

Teams 7 groups of 4 = 28 6 groups of 4 = 24

Team Forming

Choose your 7 high achieving students Choose your 7 medium achieving students Choose your 7 low achieving students

Team Forming

Best match for partner work

Team Forming Next best match for partner work

Team Forming Never! match for partner work OK to match for partner work.

Team Management 1 st 6 to 9 weeks allow all yellows to move their seat to make new lab teams 2 nd 6 to 9 weeks allow all greens to move their seat to make new lab teams 3 rd 6 to 9 weeks allow all pinks to move their seat to make new lab teams 4 th 6 to 9 weeks allow all oranges to move their seat to make new lab teams

Team Management Most difficult tasks here… these partners will make the accurate measurements, calculate… These partners can check work, do more difficult tasks. Least difficult tasks… however it is up to you as the teacher to make these tasks important… NEVER make the task list seem to be in order of importance and or intelligence.

Team Management NO MATTER WHAT EVERYBODY CLEANS UP!!!! This partner can take all trash to the trash can. This partner can clean off table and wipe up all spills. This partner can check all lab teams notebooks to be sure everybody did their work. This partner can return all supplies to the teacher.

Who is first, last? Make a Spinner Use a Smart Board Spinner

Find the Fiction Each student writes 3 statements: two are true, one is false. Students take turns sharing their statements. Teammates try to identify the fictitious statement.

Fan and Pick Teammates play a card game to respond to questions. Each teammate has a role that rotates with each new question: Yellow: Fans cards Green: Picks a card and reads Pink: Answers Orange: Tutors or praises

Rally Table In pairs students alternate generating written responses or solving problems.

Team Stand and Share Teams stand with a list of ideas to share. Teacher selects one student to share an idea. Other teams either check the idea off their list or add it. Each team sits when all items on the list are shared.

Telephone One student per team leaves the room during instruction. When the students return teammates provide instruction for the missed information.

Colored Heads Together After writing their own answer to a question teammates put their heads together to ensure all members can answer. The teacher then calls a color and that student shares the answer.
