Data Liberation Initiative Update ACCOLEDS November 2012 David Price, Chantal Ripp
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 2 Outline: Changes in staff Changes in committees Activities Free data from StatCan Licence for DLI Priorities and transition to new technologies DLI UPDATE
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 3 Wayne Smith DLI UPDATE Chief Statistician As of July 2010
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 4 Peter Morrison DLI UPDATE Assistant Chief Statistician Social, Health and Labour Statistics Field
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 5 Jane Badets DLI UPDATE Director General Census Subject Matter, Social and Demographic Statistics Branch As of November 2010
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 6 Heather Dryburgh DLI UPDATE Manager Microdata Access Division As of April 2010
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 7 David Price DLI UPDATE Chief Access, Infrastructure, Innovation and Development (AIID) section
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 8 TBD DLI UPDATE Unit Chief Data Liberation Initiative
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 9 DLI UPDATE Reference Services Coordinator, Chantal Ripp Data Liberation Initiative Monitoring the dlilist Survival Guide DLI Update Annual Report Web page content And other project
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 10 Responsible for administrative matters Look after your travel forms Answers all your questions related to these famous forms DLI UPDATE Renée Rocan ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATES
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 11 Takes care of : the FTP site the website registrations on listserv Passwords Jackie will be with us until Sept 2013 Works 3 days a week DLI UPDATE Jackie Godfrey ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATES
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 12 Retirement of Michel Séguin, October 2012 Chief of the Access to Metadata and Public Microdata Section Accepted to be volunteer as part of the Work Force Adjustment Priority: Transition to new technologies Knowledge transfer Retirement of Linda Harding, July 2012 Positions has been identified as part of the revision Opted to be volunteer as part of the Work Force Adjustment DLI UPDATE ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 13 Membership remains at 75 Goal last year was to approach CEGEP Student protests Follow-up with other colleges that did contact us for information related to the DLI DLI UPDATE DLI MEMBERSHIP
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 14 Met in Ottawa October 2-3 Discussed DLI Process and infrastructure Presentation by Sylvie Lafortune on the results of the DLI Contacts and Designate Survey Investigated DLI Subscription Pricing DLI UPDATE External Advisory Committee
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 15 Atlantic: Peter Webster – Saint Mary’s University – co-chair Suzanne Drapeau - Nova Scotia Community College – last meeting Spring 2013 Quebec Nathalie Vachon– Institut national de la recherche scientifique Gaston Quirion – Université Laval Ontario Sylvie Lafortune – Laurentian University – co-chair Vince Grey– Western University West Gail Curry - University of Northern British Columbia Peter Peller – University of Calgary Library Director Margaret Haines – Carleton University Researcher Lisa Dillon - Université de Montreal Statistics Canada Pamela Best – Special Surveys Division George Sciadas, CSBP/CPSE Heather Dryburgh – Manager of Microdata Access Division David Price – Microdata Access Division Senior Advisors Ernie Boyko – International DLI Wendy Watkins – Carleton University DLI UPDATE Members of External Advisory Committee
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 16 Atlantic Siobhan Hanratty – University of New Brunswick - Chair Ann Smith – Acadia University Quebec Caroline Patenaude – Université de Montréal Nathalie Vachon - Institut national de la recherche scientifique Ontario Sandra Keys – University of Waterloo Liz Hill – University of Western Ontario West Gail Curry – University of Northern British Columbia Marilyn Andrews – University of Regina Chair of Education Committee is an Ex-officio (non-voting) members of the EAC DLI UPDATE Education Committee
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 17 Several Teleconference sessions Will be meeting Jan/Feb 2013 in Ottawa Summary of activities Outreach material repository Training Repository Review of results from DLI Contacts survey from a regional perspective DLI UPDATE Education Committee
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 18 To recognize Statistics Canada divisions who provide exemplary access to their data products, documentation and expertise, the DLI periodically bestows the Exemplary Access Award to a deserving division. Past recipients included: Industry Accounts Division (2011) Health Statistics Division (2009) Special Surveys Division (2008) Census Operations Division (2006). DLI Award Committee – looking for volunteers DLI UPDATE DLI Exemplary Access Award
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 19 Thank you to the University of Northern British Columbia who hosted the online survey and creation of a database Thanks to the Education Committee and to Sylvie Lafortune who accepted to do the analysis Gail Curry volunteered to deliver the presentation on the results DLI UPDATE 2012 DLI Contacts and Designate Survey
21/10/2015 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 20 Training Repository Will be moved to Carleton University DLI Research paper series Recorded Webinars will be stored at Carleton University DLI UPDATE DLI ACTIVITIES
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 21 Annual Report 11/12 Was mailed out in September New sectional content included Key advantages to DLI Membership Review of licence agreement Review of the continuum of access and open data DLI UPDATE DLI ACTIVITIES
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 22 DLI Licence DLI subscription fees have not supported the purchase of data – but it needed to be updated to reflect the changes in Statistics Canada’s dissemination of open data. Standard Data products PUMFs CIHI Postal Code Other DLI UPDATE DLI ACTIVITIES
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 23 Most of the data on the on StatCan Web site is now free including Census and Geography boundary files (excluding FSA) CANSIM free since February 1 st 2012 Exception Custom tabulations remains for a fee Third party material (postal code products) DLI UPDATE Free data from StatCan
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 24 APPENDIX I -Licence agreement for Public Use Microdata Files (PUMF) PUMFs still requires a licence Non DLI users have to go to StatCan first to sign the licence and then obtain the PUMFs required DLI cannot share the data with non DLI members as it was before They can use the file on a commercial basis but they cannot share the data file DLI UPDATE LICENCE FOR DLI -- EXCEPTIONS
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 25 APPENDIX II - License Agreement for the Discharge Abstract Database (DAD) Research Analytic Files from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) DAD Research Analytic Files Cannot share with non DLI members Cannot use for commercial purposes DLI UPDATE LICENCE FOR DLI -- EXCEPTIONS
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 26 Postal code files and data Cannot share with non DLI members Cannot use for commercial purposes For now, remains as is No new files until negotiations with Canada post will be completed Others Health Canada Fisheries and Oceans Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Canadian Heart Database Centre DLI UPDATE LICENCE FOR DLI -- EXCEPTIONS
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 27 DLI Newsletter Volume 13, issue 1 released October 2012 Working on a special issue for Winter Volume 14 to be released in Spring 2013 If you have any announcements for upcoming issues or would like to submit an article discussing an aspect of working with data or providing data services, please don’t hesitate to contact us at DLI UPDATE DLI ACTIVITIES
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 28 DLI SURVIVAL GUIDE Section 1, 2 and 3 have been revised and changes updated on the DLI website. Continuing the process of updating the survival sections. If you have comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to send them to me directly, DLI UPDATE DLI ACTIVITIES
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 29 Nesstar Temporary keys restored Licence has finally been approved 5 year renewal DLI UPDATE DLI ACTIVITIES
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 30 DLI ACTIVITIES – Reference Tracking DLI UPDATE
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 31 Review of electronic communication strategy, including, investigating new infrastructure opportunities for the DLI listserv Website, and FTP site. DLI UPDATE Looking forward - Priorities
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 32 Investigated whether a corporate solution existed Reviewed potential electronic mailing list software and other communication platforms Including Open source solutions and proprietary platforms. Indentified a potential software solution that will meet the DLI needs Next steps – review proposal by Technology Review Committee, December 2013 DLI UPDATE Priorities - Listserv
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 33 Goals: Ensure that the DLI website presence is coherent, responds to the needs of clients (and potential clients), has a sustainable infrastructure, and in line with GC standards and policies. DLI UPDATE Priorities - website Rewrite / Republish Content Inventory Archive Evaluate And Assess Rewrite for findability Republish new content Crawl site Identify page owners Categorize pages Archive online Archive offline Review pages Evaluated content Assess quality
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 34 Moving to e-FT As of January 2011, e-FT became Statistic Canada’s corporate solution for external file transfers. The ITSD FTP would no longer be supported by Statistic Canada. Access through FTP software Each user will have a user name and password DLI UPDATE Priorities – FTP
2012 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 35 DLI UPDATE QUESTIONS