Product Placement
Outline Definition History Types & categories Examples Recent developments
Definition Product placement, or embedded marketing, is a form of advertisement, where branded goods or services are placed in a context usually devoid of ads, such as movies, the story line of television shows, or news programs.
Types and price formation Visual product placement Verbal product placement Interaction Pricing Visual product placement, not linked to the storyline. Visual product placement linked to the storyline. Visual product placement with verbal mention. Scene written specially for the product.
Other categories and variations Products deliberately placed into productions in exchange for fees Products or locations that are obtained from manufacturers or owners to reduce the cost of production Service deals Advertisement placement Promotional consideration
Product Cars Consumer electronics and computers Tobacco products Food and drink
Placement Movies Television Sports Music videos Books Computer games Comics
Cars in the Movies Movie Car Herbie, the Love Bug Volkswagen Beetle RoboCop Ford Taurus Back to the Future DeLorean The World Is Not Enough BMW Z8 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Jeep Wrangler Rubicon
Tobacco, food & drink
Faux product placement The practice of inventing fictional brands for the purpose of using them in movies/television/books, etc.
Reverse placement Creating products in real life to match those used in fictional settings
Reverse placement (2)
Reverse product placement?
Product displacement Product displacement is the removing of trademarked products from primarily visual media in order to avoid the payment of licensing fees, if the trademark owner objects, or if the broadcaster would prefer not to publicise a product for free, if the owners have not paid for it to be included in a programme
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