Chemical Signals 1 BIOL 1407
Chemical Signals Cells use chemicals to communicate with other cells B1014B55BEF D72133/neutrophil -chemotaxis.aspxhttp:// B1014B55BEF D72133/neutrophil -chemotaxis.aspx Photo Credit of Neutrophil engulfing anthrax bacteria: Tim Vickers, 2007, Wikimedia Commons
Chemical Signaling: Direct Contact
Chemical Signaling: Short-Distance
Chemical Signaling: Long- Distance
Chemical Signaling Between Individuals Pheromones Video of Orchid Wasp Mimic: atch?v=-h8I3cqpgnA atch?v=-h8I3cqpgnA Photo credit for Spined Soldier Bug eating Mexican Bean Beetle larvae: USDA, 2006, Wikimedia Commons Article on Spined Soldier Bug and his pheromones: s/cuttings-the-enemy-s-enemy-is-the- soldier- bug.html?partner=rssnyt&emc=rss&pag ewanted=all s/cuttings-the-enemy-s-enemy-is-the- soldier- bug.html?partner=rssnyt&emc=rss&pag ewanted=all
Signal Transduction Pathways
Target Cells: Have Receptors for Signal
Target Cells and Specificity
Types of Hormones
Transport and Receptor Location
Water- Soluble Hormones
G Proteins
Second Messengers cAMP cGMP IP 3 and DAG Calcium Calmodulin
Lipid- Soluble Hormones
Steroid Hormones Brassinosteroids in plants Steroid hormones in animals –Synthesized from Cholesterol –Testosterone, Progesterone, Estrogens –Cortisol and Aldosterone from adrenal cortex
Seed Dormancy and Germination ABA –High levels inhibit germination = promotes dormancy Gibberellins –High levels promote seed germination
Trigger for Desert Seed Germination: Rain Photo Credit for Storm Over Western Ghats: PlaneMad, 2006, Wikimedia Commons
Desert Seed Germination Attenborough Video: – h?v=z1IBnHIO Fxshttp:// h?v=z1IBnHIO Fxs –Photo Credit for South Africa Desert in Bloom: Winfried Bruenicen, 2001, Wikimedia Commons
Volatile Chemicals Jasmonic Acid and Plant Volatiles Dodder plant seeks close relationship with tomato plant – p?pos=-19895 p?pos= Photo Credit for Dodder in Bloom: Michael Becker, 2005, Wikimedia Commons
Photo Credit for Dodder on Acacia: Khalid Mahmood, 2007, Wikimedia Commons
Photo Credit for Parasitoid Wasp on Plant Bug Nymph: Scott Bauer, USDA, 2003, Wikimedia Commons
The End Unless otherwise specified, all images in this presentation came from: Campbell, et al Biology, 8 th ed. Pearson Benjamin Cummings.