Workshop: Understanding the student learning experience by the use of Nexus Analysis John Sandars Associate Professor Associate Director of Student Support John Callaghan Postdoctoral researcher, Language Education group, School of Education Leeds Institute of Medical Education
Methodology - Nexus Analysis Ethnographic methodological strategy to develop an understanding of complex social actions Ron Scollon (1939–2009) was a professor of Linguistics at Georgetown University, USA Ronald Scollon (2001). Mediated discourse: the nexus of practice. Routledge. Ronald Scollon; Suzanne B. K. Scollon (2004). Nexus analysis: discourse and the emerging internet. Routledge.
Nexus Analysis Nexus is a unique historical moment when separate social practices come together in a social action eg assessment failure Social practices = interaction between individuals AND a range of different artefacts eg books/ guides /other people (discourses)
Doing a Nexus Analysis [1] Engaging the nexus of practice [2] Navigating the nexus of practice [3] Changing the nexus of practice
[1] Engaging the nexus of practice Identify – intersection of various recurrent cycles of social practices at a moment eg assessment failure Researcher as part of the system and contributing to change and action
[1] Engaging the nexus of practice Identify – intersection of various recurrent cycles of social practices at a moment eg assessment failure Researcher as part of the system and contributing to change and action
[1] Engaging the nexus of practice Identify the Participants
NEXUS Social Learning Assessment
[2] Navigating the nexus of practice Set boundaries of the navigation– eg learning /assessments Work through the trajectories (past, present and possible future) of people, places and situations Includes discourse analysis (interactions with mediating artefacts (wide range) Aim is to identify recurrent cycles using range of data collection eg interviews/focus groups/observations/ texts
[ 3] Changing the nexus of practice Seek change to nexus of practice by obtaining multiple perspectives “Inquiry is social activism. We now think it is the only effective form of activism”
Our insights from Nexus Analysis?
Background and Aims of Research To improve the learning experience of Medical Students - International - entry Yr3 To understand the “culture” of teaching and learning – the “fit” of the learner and their environment Need to be informed by relevant theory – Nexus Analysis
Doing a Nexus Analysis [1] Engaging the nexus of practice [2] Navigating the nexus of practice [3] Changing the nexus of practice
Findings Mainly MCQs No reflection No academic induction
Findings Reflective essays Ethical issues
No study groups Lack of integration
Nexus Analysis Explicit focus on change and improvement Deeper understanding helped by theoretical perspective Cross-disciplinary research (medical and critical discourse)