Embedding change through a partnership approach
Changing the learning landscape WHAT WE’VE LEARNT How we've engaged with institutions Impact that's started to emerge The real challenges for the sector What we're thinking for Year 2
Changing the learning landscape Engaging through and with students
Changing the learning landscape “The concept is spot-on and is needed.” “I really welcome the Changing the Learning Landscape programme. It has a clear purpose and responds to a market need – to support HEIs to develop their thinking around learning innovation.” “We are determined to continue to work with the LF and its partners to make these opportunities even more beneficial to all.”
Changing the learning landscape Impact on practice and strategy
Changing the learning landscape
Just had life changing moment using a Surface LeedsMet student talking about using tablet devices and digital literacies embedded in undergrad curriculum, total redesign Inspiring ideas on embedding social media into teaching. Can't wait to try some out So much to share Fantastic day with lots of interesting speakers and exciting new ideas. Stealing all the top tips & grateful for the web links from the fab Uni of Southampton team Brilliant ideas for working with my #UELDance students
Changing the learning landscape Harness change EvidenceContextualisedDiscussion Parallel activities Strategic push Strategic embedding of digital literacies
Changing the learning landscape Learning with the sector "The real challenge facing institutions is how to engage staff and develop their capacity to use technology in pedagogically appropriate ways" "It must be a concern that even where development of digital technology is seen as very important, the perception is that there isn't time to do it. How do we make HEIs more flexible and responsive? How do we turn strategy into action?" Blog entries by Patsy Cullen, External Evaluator
Changing the learning landscape The landscape in
Changing the learning landscape The landscape beyond 2014
Changing the learning landscape THANK YOU