The South East Wales Academic Health Science Partnership Dr Corinne Squire Manager SEWAHSP
Who we are Our Mission To build a partnership that integrates high quality research and innovation to benefit the health and wealth of the people of Wales.
Aims Create new synergies between NHS, Universities and Industry. Enhance South East Wales’ reputation for research excellence. Improve health and well-being through innovation and translation of evidence into practice. Build on Wales’ long tradition of excellence in community health based research. Strengthen the research community by creating a vibrant environment. Support high quality multidisciplinary research which is people centred and leads to quality improvements in healthcare. Contribute to economic prosperity, by developing and promoting partnerships with the business community.
The Health Technology Challenge Increasing innovation in the NHS and collaboration is central to our strategy Necessary for improving healthcare What innovations do we need to improve healthcare Disconnect between healthcare professionals and technology developers Need mechanisms to allow communities to interact easily Need an incentive to promote interaction and collaboration
The Health Technology Challenge 2013 Open Innovation platform using interactive website Launched the scheme in June 2013 Two step process – invite challenges, select then invite proposals Invited participants to post their ideas for “Challenges” to the website Website allowed comments and votes Challenges for the competition phase chosen Competition phase for proposals Proposals chosen
The Challenge Competition Challenges were chosen by a panel including SEWAHSP partners and external members Challenges were assessed for feasibility, medical need, patient benefit and importance Anyone from SEWAHSP can apply for up to £25K for a collaborative project Must include 2 SEWAHSP institutions Website can be used to find a collaborator 7 project proposals were received (not one per challenge though) 4 were selected for funding
The Challenges Point of care Diagnosis of infection Delivery of therapeutic agents from polymeric materials Easy Read Health Record Tracking rehabilitation using a software based programme Toe nail cutting device Smartphone app to model infectious disease transmission Weighing patients with restricted mobility Capturing healthcare data using a standard smartphone or tablet.
The Projects Point of care Diagnosis of infection – Development of POC test for cellular markers Delivery of therapeutic agents from polymeric materials Improved surgical joint replacements using liposomal delivery system Antiseptic loaded gauze for intractable wound infections Tracking rehabilitation using a software based programme Capturing healthcare data using a standard smartphone or tablet. Electronic Prostate cancer PROM database App
Health Technology Challenge Wales The pilot project went well The website has generated a lot of interest (>200 members) and has proved easily adaptable and easy to use We have secured a small amount of funding to continue the initiative The next round will be All Wales with Regional Hubs playing a pivotal role We are extending the collaboration to engage with charities and to include public involvement, Tenovus are partnering for the next round