Patrice Perez APN, IBCLC University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System
Have the option of keeping their newborn infant at their bedside to continue bonding and breastfeeding.
2500 Births per year 50 bed NICU 8 Labor Suites 2 OR’s in L/D 4 bed RR in L/D Active MFM, OB, NICU, Large active CNM service Designated Children’s Hospital
Moved to this building in 1981 Set up as a traditional observation/transitional nursery within the NICU with a separate staff.
Decision to go to mother baby couplets driven by cost and staffing concerns as well as space considerations NICU wanted to recover space for ICN Couplet care resulted in cost savings
Respite nursery created in a patient room on M/B 2 warmers, procedure table Hearing tests, circs, labs, very limited care up to 2 hours Infant care for normal NB with mother admitted to ICU, Psych, etc.
Infant and mother recover in L/D Couplet is transferred together to room on M/B Infant is not removed from mother except for hearing test, possibly bath or labs if mother requests All labs, photos, Peds visits, OB, Psych, consults, phototherapy done in couplet room
Phase 3 of bedside bath study Continue movement to exclusive un- separated recovery and discharge relative to Baby Friendly Maternal Readmission within 6 weeks post partum has option to bring baby along to prevent separation. *Specific terms apply