Response to Instruction Training Wednesday, October 30, 2013
RtI & Effective Teaching Doing what is needed to teach students Teaching students using scientifically validated methods Checking regularly to see how well students are learning Adjusting instruction as needed to improve student outcomes
Alabama’s Tiered Instruction and Intervention Model
Problem Solving Team (PST) All schools will have at least one RtI Problem Solving Team. PSTs will help to guide general education intervention services for all students who have academic or behavior difficulties. The team members will include: Classroom Teachers School Counselor Instructional Coaches Intervention Teachers Administrator Special Education Teachers Decisions regarding frequency and duration of PST meeting should be determined at the school level. Each student’s data should be reviewed by the PST monthly.
PST Members Roles Chairperson Which students will be discussed and in what order Notify members Secretary Note decisions made and generate parent letters Timekeeper Keep discussion on track and timely Data person Present and explain graphs
Behavior The RtI District Plan was updated in February 2013 to include the criteria for behavior. If a student’s behavior is affecting their ability to learn, behavior must be addressed.
STAR Enterprise Early Literacy Pre-K-3 Reading 1-12 Math 1-12 (Algebra and Geometry Assessments) Renaissance Data Integrator (RDI) Benchmark and Cut Scores Data follows the student STAR Enterprise contract ends May 2014
Universal Screening District Plan Revision All students in K-6 will be tested three times a year. All students in grades 7-11 will take the assessment at the beginning of the year. Only students that score below the 25 th percentile will be tested at mid-year. Only students that score below the 25 th percentile at mid-year will be tested at the end-of-the-year. Students in grade 12 that have passed all parts of the graduation exam are exempt from the universal screening. Students in grade 12 that have not passed all parts of the graduation exam will take the universal screening at the beginning, mid-year, and end-of-the-year until they pass all parts of the graduation exam.
Screening Report
Intervention Needs Assessment Profile Students identified by STAR and other data with academic needs (Students in Tier II or Tier III) should have an Intervention Needs Assessment Profile completed. (Appendix D-1 and D-2) The Problem Solving Team will use the Intervention Needs Assessment to analyze data and make assessment and intervention decisions.
Vision and Hearing When screening results suggest a need for reading and math intervention, vision and hearing screening should be completed and those results should be considered by the PST. Vision and hearing test are good for one year.
Problem Solving Team Student Intervention Plan The PST will develop an intervention plan for each student receiving interventions. (Appendix K-1) Please complete the entire plan. List specific concerns and screening data. (STAR Diagnostic Report/Instructional Planning-Student) Identify concern(s), types of interventions and the date initiated. List number of weeks and the student’s goal. Rate of Improvement (Listed on STAR Student Progress Monitoring Report-Growth Rate) List the progress monitoring tool and intervention materials.
Scientific, Research-Based Instruction and Interventions Interventions were designed to improve student skills. Accommodations are designed to “level the playing field” and are not designed to improve students skills. As accommodations do not represent scientific, research- based interventions; they are not to be included in the interventions considered by the PST. While accommodations do not improve student skills and are not considered to represent scientific, research-based interventions, any teacher may elect to employ accommodations when accommodations seem to be appropriate for use with any student.
Parent Letter-Notification of Intervention Letter Prior to Tier II and Tier III interventions (within one week of initiation of intervention), a parent letter should be sent home to parents of all students who are determined by the PST to be in need of intervention. Please keep a copy of all parent letters.
Student Intervention Documentation Student Intervention Documentation (SID) form must be completed for each student that has an Intervention Plan. (Appendix I-1) Documentation that interventions were delivered by qualified personnel. Documentation of progress monitoring. Documentation of progress reports sent to parents.
Student Intervention Documentation
Weekly Progress Monitoring Weekly progress monitoring will provide the PST with substantial data upon which to make recommendations regarding the student’s response to intervention within a reasonable time period. A student must be progress monitored four times before you will see a Growth Rate.
Student Progress Monitoring Report
When STAR Scores Go Up and Down When a test is administered frequently, an individual’s score often fluctuates. Some fluctuation is likely, a trend line is a better indicator of growth and projected growth than scores from individual test. If your trend line stays straight or goes down, change the interventions.
Progress Reports to Parents The progress report letter should be sent to parents of all students in Tier II and Tier III interventions. (Appendix J-2) The progress report letter must be accompanied by a progress monitoring data graph. (STAR Progress Monitoring Report) The PST ensures that parents of students receiving interventions are provided with regular data-based intervention progress reports. Reporting intervention progress to parents is required by Federal and State laws, regulations, and codes. Please keep a copy of the all progress reports and graphs sent to parents.
Principals Walkthroughs The principal has the responsibility to ensure and document that all PST procedures are implemented with fidelity. The principal has the responsibility to ensure that all tiers of instruction and intervention are provided with fidelity.(Appendix C-1, C-2 and C-3)
Continuous Instruction and Intervention Services When students begin the intervention process (Tier II or Tier III), they will continue in that process until they have reached their goal (grade level standards and skills) or until they are referred to the next level. RtI interventions may be carried over from one school year to the next school year.
Special Education Referrals Students are only referred for Special Education testing after Tier III interventions have proven ineffective; however, there are emergency procedures as needed. If a student is referred for Special Education testing, do not stop interventions and documentation.
Special Education Completion When the IEP team finds that a student is no longer in need of special education services, the IEP team may determine that the student should transition to either Tier II or Tier III interventions. In coordination with the IEP team, the PST will ensure that appropriate intervention support and progress monitoring are provided to the student who is no longer in need of special education services.
Behavioral Assessment for Children, Second Edition (BASC-2) Student Observation System (SOS) The BASC is still required for students that are referred for Special Ed. testing. A BASC should be completed for students in Tier II and Tier III interventions to rule out behavior.
Literacy Coaches K-12 If a secondary school requires assistance in determining what type of interventions and strategies could be used to help a student, they can contact the Literacy Coach at the elementary/Middle school for support. If additional intervention and strategies training is required, the Literacy Coach can help you set up the training for your faculty.
RtI Forms Click on Departments.
RtI Forms Click on Response to Instruction.
RtI Forms You must sign-in the ECBOE website to access RtI forms.
RtI Document Library
RtI Documentation Please send the following RtI documentation to the Central Office: List of Problem Solving Team Sign-in sheet from School RtI Training RtI Effectiveness form-May 23, 2014
Documentation Sent to Middle or High Schools When a student is promoted to the middle or high school, please send a copy of the Student Intervention Plan with their records.