Entering the Classroom Get out your binder, a sharp pencil, and your science fair packet. If you don’t have a science fair packet, get out 2 blank pieces of paper (pick up a science fair handout from Mr. S.)
Objectives C: Use print and web resources to research information for the science fair (or labs) L: Write the research paper and project journal for your science fair project. Standard: I.I.I.1. Use a variety of print and web resources to collect information, inform investigations, and answer a scientific question or hypothesis.
Reliable Web Sources.gov – published by the US Government.org – published by a non-profit organization (usually the do research).com – can still be reliable, but you must check the author and the last update
Places to look – (you must other sources to back up your information) ts.shtml ts.shtml BOOKS!
Entering the Classroom No binders needed – Measurement Test today! Get out a sharp pencil and your measurement study guide You have 5 minutes to study, while I go around and check study guides Note: If you lost or forgot your study guide, please pick one up at the front of the classroom.
(use dimensional analysis) How many liters are in 10 gallons? (1 gallon = 3.8 Liters) 1.Write what you are looking for with a question mark. ? Liters 2. Write what you are given ? Liters = 10 gallons 1 3. Multiply by the conversion factor ? Liters = 10 gallons X 3.8 Liters 11 gallon = 38 Liters
(use dimensional analysis) How many liters are in 10 gallons? (1 gallon = 3.8 Liters) 1.Write what you are looking for with a question mark. ? Liters 2. Write what you are given ? Liters = 10 gallons 1 3. Multiply by the conversion factor ? Liters = 10 gallons X 3.8 Liters 11 gallon = 38 Liters
(use dimensional analysis) How many liters are in 10 gallons? (1 gallon = 3.8 Liters) 1.Write what you are looking for with a question mark. ? Liters 2. Write what you are given ? Liters = 10 gallons 1 3. Multiply by the conversion factor ? Liters = 10 gallons X 3.8 Liters 11 gallon = 38 Liters
(use dimensional analysis) How many liters are in 10 gallons? (1 gallon = 3.8 Liters) 1.Write what you are looking for with a question mark. ? Liters 2. Write what you are given ? Liters = 10 gallons 1 3. Multiply by the conversion factor ? Liters = 10 gallons X 3.8 Liters 11 gallon = 38 Liters
(use dimensional analysis) How many liters are in 10 gallons? (1 gallon = 3.8 Liters) 1.Write what you are looking for with a question mark. ? Liters 2. Write what you are given ? Liters = 10 gallons 1 3. Multiply by the conversion factor ? Liters = 10 gallons X 3.8 Liters 11 gallon = 38 Liters
(use dimensional analysis) How many liters are in 10 gallons? (1 gallon = 3.8 Liters) 1.Write what you are looking for with a question mark. ? Liters 2. Write what you are given ? Liters = 10 gallons 1 3. Multiply by the conversion factor ? Liters = 10 gallons X 3.8 Liters 11 gallon = 38 Liters
(use dimensional analysis) How many liters are in 10 gallons? (1 gallon = 3.8 Liters) 1.Write what you are looking for with a question mark. ? Liters 2. Write what you are given ? Liters = 10 gallons 1 3. Multiply by the conversion factor ? Liters = 10 gallons X 3.8 Liters 11 gallon = 38 Liters
(use dimensional analysis) How many liters are in 10 gallons? (1 gallon = 3.8 Liters) 1.Write what you are looking for with a question mark. ? Liters 2. Write what you are given ? Liters = 10 gallons 1 3. Multiply by the conversion factor ? Liters = 10 gallons X 3.8 Liters 11 gallon = 38 Liters
Entering the Classroom Pick up a NMSBA practice test at the door. Get out your binder and find your notes from the last practice test. Clear your desk except pencil, practice test, paper, and notes Note: If you don’t have a blank piece of paper, please borrow from someone around you or borrow from Mr. Switzer.
Objectives: C: Complete the NMSBA practice test with 80% or higher L: Write complete sentences in the short answer part of the practice test.
NMSBA Practice Test Write your name at the top of your paper. Take about minutes to answer each question on a blank sheet of paper. Mr. S is taking a grade on only #1-4. Try your best on the rest. *if you finish early, you may draw, read or write (but not talk)
1. Describe one difference and one similarity between animal cells and plant cells Animal and plant cells are both similar and different. Both cell types have a cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum. However, plant cells have a cell wall, chloroplast, and large vacuole. Animal cells do not have these things. These are the similarities and differences of plant and animal cells.
2. Identify two factors that allow organisms to live on Earth. Organisms can live on Earth for two reasons. The Earth has an atmosphere that allows humans to breath. The atmosphere contains oxygen. Also, the Earth has lots of liquid water. Living things all need water. These are the two things that allow organisms to live on earth.
3a. Identify a source of bias in this investigation and explain why it is bias. This investigation is biased. A source of bias is the researchers asking their own dentists to be part of the study. It is bias because the dentists know the researchers and might be favorable in their response to the questionnaire. This is one source of bias.
3b. Describe two ways to improve the investigation that will eliminate sources of bias. This investigation could be improved in several ways. First, researchers could ask a random sample of dentists to test the toothpaste. Second, the researchers could not pay the dentists or clients. These are two ways to improve the investigation.
4. Select two organisms from the food chain and describe their niche in the ecosystem. The mouse has a niche in the ecosystem. The mouse’s role is a consumer or pine cones. It also plays a role as prey for the hawk. The mouse lives on the forest floor and hides in the grass. This is the mouse’s niche. The mushroom has a niche in the ecosystem. The mushroom is a decomposer. It grows on dead things. Mushrooms are at the end of the food chain. This is the niche of a mushroom.
5a. Predict 1 way that this population could be different from the original population of cardinals and describe what would have caused the change. The population of cardinals would probably change from the original population over many years. One characteristic that might change in this population is beak shape. If the cardinals were eating different food from the original population, their beaks might gradually change shape over many generations. In addition, the cardinals might be living in a new environment that could cause the coloration of the birds to change. The birds’ coloration may change over many generations to make them a new color. These are a few ways the cardinals might change.
5b. Explain how to determine, without using DNA analysis, whether these cardinals have become a different species. Scientists could determine whether these cardinals have become a distinct species, without using DNA analysis. The easiest way to determine if they were still the same species would be to put the new cardinals together with the original cardinals. If the cardinals could breed to make fertile offspring, then they would be the same species. However, if they couldn’t breed and produce fertile offspring, then they would be a different species. This is how scientists could determine if the two populations were different species.
6. Identify which of the traits listed are inherited traits and which are learned traits. You may use a chart to display your answer. Traits can be classified as either acquired (learned) or inherited. Using a tool and playing guitar are learned or acquired traits. Bone structure, ability to taste, and eye color are inherited traits. These are some examples of acquired and inherited traits.
7. Identify 2 other things the student can do to investigate his hypothesis. The student can do several other things to investigate this hypothesis. The student could measure the amount of greenhouse gases during the same months in Northern Alaska. The student could look up the monthly temperatures in the past. The student could find the amounts of greenhouse gases in past years in northern Alaska. Lastly, the student could compare the data between the years. These are a few things the student can do to investigate the hypothesis.
Entering the Classroom Pick up pollution reading and graphic organizer at the door. Get out your binder, a sharp pencil, and a blank piece of paper. Note: If you don’t have a blank piece of paper, please borrow from someone around you or borrow from Mr. Switzer.
Objectives: C: Describe the causes and effects of different types of pollution (water, air, and land) L: Write a cause and effect paragraph for water, air, and/or water pollution