BRAND DOSSIER COLGATE Members Debranjan Bhawal Shravi Singal Surya Upadhaya Vignesh Vetri Vel
AGENDA Early history Positioning Advertising & Sales Promotion Analysis of the product Competitors Strategies adopted Distribution Hypothesis Instruments of data collection Analysis of the data collection Conclusion
Early History Dates Events 1806 William Colgate and company, founded by william colgate 1857William colgate died and the company was recognised as Colgate and Company under Samuel Colgate 1873The firm introduced and marketed its first toothpaste. 1911Took the initiative to distribute two million tubes in school 1926Colgate and Palmolive-Peet merges and forms Cogate- Palmolive-Peet company 1930Colgate listed itself in the New Stock Exchange 1953The company changes its name to Colgate-Palmolive Company 1976Colgate-Palmolive aquires Hill’s Pet Nutrition 1989Annual sales surpass $5 billion mark 1995Colgate enters Central Europe and Russia 2004Colgate aquires ‘GABA’ oral care buisness in europe TodaySales surpassing $ 15 billion
Positioning Positioned itself as a toothpaste with necessary calcium and minerals. Availability of choice within the brand itself by providing variants to the product. Repositioned itself as a better product, saying “Trusted for generations” and “No1 brand recommended by dentists”
Advertising and Sales Promotion Sampark-Targeted the rural market. Free sampling A/V publicity vans Rural promotion initiative Colgate targeted the school children using the tagline “Bright Smiles”. Colgate used celebraties for promoting their product. Certified under IDA
Advertising- contd.. Popular taglines No1 toothpaste recomended by dentists Colgate’s bright smiles, bright future Trusted for generations who make teeth stronger Our goal no cavities
Analysis of the Product Swot Analysis Strength Focus on Inovation and New Inovations Loyal customers Existing in India for 70 years Market Share leadership Prescribed by IDA Weakness No online Selling Giant competitors, like close up, pepsodent, etc. Too many product in the brand
Analysis of the product(Contd.) Opportunities Product and service expansions Improving advertising Implementing new products to attract youth Threats Change in retail senario globaly
Analysis of the Product 4 p’s Product Position itself as an inovative toothpaste, recognised by IDA Place Increase in wholesellers and tracking distribution path Promotion Trusted by generations who can make teeth stronger Price Based on the competitors price, colgate fixes its price
Competitors Competitors Close-up Pepsodent Sensodyne
Strategies Adopted Public relations- through newspaper and magazines Training programmes in schools Aggressive advertising
Distribution Targeted rural market – via sampark Proposed by medical departments
Hypothesis Colgates variants are catering to the needs of the customers Due to high compition and consumer varring demand Colgates certification by IDA certified by IDA and Recomended by dentist influences consumers
Instruments of Data Collection Instruments Personal interviews with pc aided questaire Sample size 60
Analysis of the Data 1) Choose the attribute which you consider most important in your toothpaste?
2) For the following attributes, rate the brand COLGATEon a scale of 1 – 5 (5 - Strongly Disagree; 4 - Disagree; 3 - Neither Agree nor Disagree; 2 - Agree; 1 - Strongly Agree)
3) Colgate has now come up with variants, which are the ones you are aware of and have used? (Anyone who has used the brand is considered to be aware of the brand)
4) Which brand of toothpaste do you use?
5) Associate the taglines with the brand
CONCLUSION Future direction ◦ Urban Market ◦ Rural Market