What happens when you squeeze a tube of toothpaste from the bottom of the tube? Why do you think that is? BELLRINGER
If you said something like “What you do at one end affects the other.” Then you’re on the right track. ANSWER
French Scientist, Philosopher, Mathematician Among his important works is Pascal’s Principle – Pressure is transmitted throughout all parts of a fluid. Mathematically this can be simply stated as P1=P2 How else could we write this? BLAISE PASCAL
Since pressure consists of a ratio between force and area, transmitting pressure through a fluid can create different forces if applied through different areas. WHY DO WE CARE?
Hydraulics work by sending pressure through a fluid, using a small force over a small area to exert a large forge over a large area. ources/bu_semester1/c23_pressure_pascal.h tml ources/bu_semester1/c23_pressure_pascal.h tml HYDRAULICS
When the button of a trash compactor is pushed, a force of 350 N pushes down on a 1.3 cm 2 input piston, creating a force of 22,076 N to crush the trash. What is the area of the piston that crushes the trash? TRY A SAMPLE PROBLEM
You work for a major toy company and your boss has just asked you to create a toy that will allow your average 5 year old child (20kg) to step on a pedal and exert enough force to lift a 50 kg Power- Wheels like car, as if working as a mechanic. The maximum pressure the toy can contain is 2200 Pa before it ruptures. Sketch a model of your system and give dimensions for the pedal and the base that lifts the toy car. BE CREATIVE