Perioperative Use Case Brief Profile Proposal for presented to the PCC Planning Committee Marilyn Jane Bowman-Hayes September 22, 2009
PCC Planning Committee The Problem Perioperative Standardized Nursing Language with Associated Standardized Data Elements that can be used for Comparative AnalysisPerioperative Standardized Nursing Language with Associated Standardized Data Elements that can be used for Comparative Analysis Currently a Perioperative Use Case does not exist in IHECurrently a Perioperative Use Case does not exist in IHE Based on Legislation, Patient Safety and Quality Measures there is a market place for the proposal. In addition, based on AORN Webinars, Congress and Informatics Conference the feedback supported the need.Based on Legislation, Patient Safety and Quality Measures there is a market place for the proposal. In addition, based on AORN Webinars, Congress and Informatics Conference the feedback supported the need. There will be a gap in the patient’s continuum of careThere will be a gap in the patient’s continuum of care Perioperative Research and Evidence Based Practice continues to be a challengePerioperative Research and Evidence Based Practice continues to be a challenge
PCC Planning Committee Use Case Use CaseUse Case A 70 year old male is scheduled for a Right Total Hip Arthroplasty with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis. The patient was instructed to report to Pre-Admission Testing to being the perioperative process with the intent of being admitted to the hospital post the perioperative procedure. The patient has no other significant health history.A 70 year old male is scheduled for a Right Total Hip Arthroplasty with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis. The patient was instructed to report to Pre-Admission Testing to being the perioperative process with the intent of being admitted to the hospital post the perioperative procedure. The patient has no other significant health history. This patient will be seen in Pre-Admission Testing, Pre-Op, Operating Room, PACU and then transferred to the nursing unit. In each phase of care, additional services from ancillary areas are needed.This patient will be seen in Pre-Admission Testing, Pre-Op, Operating Room, PACU and then transferred to the nursing unit. In each phase of care, additional services from ancillary areas are needed.
PCC Planning Committee Proposed Standards & Systems HL7HL7 PNDSPNDS LOINCLOINC NANDANANDA SNOMED-CTSNOMED-CT Currently, PNDS is the only Perioperative Nursing Language that encompasses the whole perioperative phase of careCurrently, PNDS is the only Perioperative Nursing Language that encompasses the whole perioperative phase of care
PCC Planning Committee Discussion New Use Case but other Use Cases exist for guidianceNew Use Case but other Use Cases exist for guidiance Level of Support is high, AORN supports this effortLevel of Support is high, AORN supports this effort AORN is consulting with SNOMED-CTAORN is consulting with SNOMED-CT AORN has a consulting company working with them for HL7AORN has a consulting company working with them for HL7 Marilyn Jane Bowman-Hayes RN, MSN, MBA INSMarilyn Jane Bowman-Hayes RN, MSN, MBA INSAORN