OpenMP Martin Kruliš Jiří Dokulil
OpenMP OpenMP Architecture Review Board Compaq, HP, Intel, IBM, KAI, SGI, SUN, U.S. Department of Energy,… specifications (freely available) 1.0 – C/C++ and FORTRAN versions 2.0 – C/C++ and FORTRAN versions 2.5 – combined C/C++ and FORTRAN 3.0 – combined C/C++ and FORTRAN 4.0 – combined C/C++ and FORTRAN (July 2013)
Basics fork – join model tailored mostly for large array operations pragmas #pragma omp … only a few constructs programs should run without OpenMP possible but not enforced #ifdef _OPENMP
Simple example #define N 1024*1024 int* data=new int[N]; for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) { data[i]=i; }
Simple example – cont. #define N 1024*1024 int* data=new int[N]; #pragma omp parallel for for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) { data[i]=i; }
Another example int sum; #pragma omp parallel for for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) { sum+=data[i]; } WRONG
Variable scope shared one instance for all threads private one instance for each thread reduction special variant for reduction operations valid within lexical extent no effect in called functions
Variable scope – private default for loop control variable only for the parallelized loop should (probably always) be made private all loops in Fortran all variables declared within the parallelized block all non-static variables in called functions allocated on stack – private for each thread uninitialized values at start of the block and after the block except for classes default constructor (must be accessible) may not be shared among the threads
Variable scope – private int j; #pragma omp parallel for private(j) for(int i=0; i<N/2; ++i) { j=i*2; data[j]=i; data[j+1]=i; }
Variable scope – reduction performing e.g. sum of an array cannot use only private variable shared requires explicit synchronization combination is possible and (relatively) efficient but unnecessarily complex each thread works on an private copy initialized to a default value (0 for +, 1 for *,…) final results are joined and available to the master thread
Variable scope – reduction long long sum=0; #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum) for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) { sum+=data[i]; }
Variable scope – firstprivate and lastprivate values of private variables at the start of the block and after end of the block are undefined firstprivate all values are initialized to the value of the master thread lastprivate variable after the parallelized block is set to the value of the last iteration (last in the serial version)
parallel #pragma omp parallel launches threads and executes block in parallel modifiers if (scalar expression) variable scope modifiers (including reduction) num_threads especially useful in conjunction with omp_get_thread_num
Loop-level parallelism #pragma omp parallel for launch threads and execute loop in parallel can be nested #pragma omp for parallel loop within another parallel block no (direct) nesting “simple” for expression implicit barrier at the end
Loop-level parallelism – modifiers 1 variable scope modifiers nowait – removes barrier cannot be used with #pragma omp parallel for ordered loop (or called function) may contain block marked #pragma omp ordered such block is executed in the same order as in serial execution of the loop at most one such block may exist
Loop-level parallelism – modifiers 2 schedule schedule(static[, chunk_size]) round robin no chunk size → equal size to all threads schedule(dynamic[, chunk_size]) threads request chunks default chunk size is 1 schedule(guided[, chunk_size]) like dynamic with size of chunks proportional to the amount of remaining work, but at least chunk_size default chunk size is 1 auto selected by implementation runtime use default value stored in variable def-sched-var
Parallel sections #pragma omp sections #pragma omp section … several blocks of code that should be evaluated in parallel modifiers private, firstprivate, lastprivate, reduction nowait
Single #pragma omp single code is executed by only one thread of the team modifiers private, firstprivate nowait when not used, there is a barrier at the end of the block copyprivate final value of the variable is distributed to all threads in the team after the block is executed incompatible with nowait
Master #pragma omp master executed only by the master thread
Critical section #pragma omp critical [name] the well-known critical section at most once thread can execute critical section with certain name multiple pragmas with same name form one section names have external linkage all unnamed pragmas form one section
Barrier #pragma omp barrier no associated block of code some restrictions on placement if (a<10) #pragma omp barrier { do_something() }
Atomic #pragma omp atomic followed by expression in the form x op= expr +, *, -, /, &, ^, |, > expr must not reference x x++ ++x x-- --y
Flush #pragma omp flush (variable list) make thread’s view of variables consistent with the main memory variable list may be omitted, flushes all similar to volatile in C/C++ influences memory operation reordering that can be performed by the compiler cannot move read/write of the flushed variable to the other “side” of the flush operation all values of flushed variables are saved to the memory before flush finishes first read of flushed variable after flush is performed from the main memory same placement restrictions as barrier
threadprivate #pragma omp threadprivate(list) makes global variable private for each thread complex restrictions
copyin, copyprivate copyin(list) copy value of threadprivate variable from master thread to other members of the team used as modifier in #pragma omp parallel values copied at the start of the block copyprivate(list) copy value from one thread’s threadprivate variable to all other members of the team used as modifier in #pragma omp single values copied at the end of the block
Task new in OpenMP 3.0 #pragma omp task piece of code to be executed in parallel immediately or later if clause forces immediate execution when false tied or untied (to a thread) can be suspended, e.g. by launching nested task modifiers default, private, firstprivate, shared untied if
Task scheduling points after explicit generation of a task after the last instruction of a task region taskwait region in implicit and explicit barriers (almost) anywhere in untied tasks
Taskwait #pragma omp taskwait wait for completion of all child tasks generated since the start of the current task
Functions omp_set_num_threads, omp_get_max_threads number of threads used for parallel regions without num_threads clause omp_get_num_threads number of threads in the team omp_get_thread_num number of calling thread within the team 0 = master omp_get_num_procs number of processors available to the program
Functions – cont. omp_in_parallel checks if the caller is in active parallel region active region is region without if or if the condition was true omp_set_dynamic, omp_get_dynamic dynamic adjustment of thread number on/off omp_set_nested, omp_get_nested nested parallelism on/off
Locks plain and nested omp_lock_t, omp_nest_lock_t omp_init_lock, omp_init_nest_lock initializes the lock omp_destroy_lock, omp_destroy_nest_lock uninitializes must be unlocked omp_set_lock, omp_set_nest_lock must be initialized locks the lock blocks until the lock is acquired omp_unset_lock, omp_unset_nest_lock must be locked and owned by the calling thread unlocks omp_test_lock, omp_test_nest_lock like set but does not block
Timing routines double omp_get_wtime() wall clocl time in seconds since “time in the past” may not be consistent between threads double omp_get_wtick() number of seconds between successive clock ticks of the timer used by omp_get_wtime
Environment variables OMP_NUM_THREADS number of threads launched in parallel regions omp_set_num_threads, omp_get_num_threads OMP_SCHEDULE used in loops with schedule(runtime) "guided,4", "dynamic“ OMP_DYNAMIC set if implementation may change number of threads omp_set_dynamic, omp_get_dynamic true or false OMP_NESTED controls nested parallelism true or false default is false
Nesting of regions some limitations “close nesting” no #pragma omp parallel nested between the two regions “work-sharing region” for, sections, single, (workshare) work-sharing region may not be closely nested inside a work- sharing, critical, ordered, or master region barrier region may not be closely nested inside a work-sharing, critical, ordered, or master region master region may not be closely nested inside a work-sharing region ordered region may not be closely nested inside a critical region ordered region must be closely nested inside a loop region (or parallel loop region) with an ordered clause critical region may not be nested (closely or otherwise) inside a critical region with the same name note that this restriction is not sufficient to prevent deadlock
OpenMP 4.0 The newest version (June 2013) No implementations yet Thread affinity proc_bind(master | close | spread) SIMD support Explicit loop vectorization (by SSE, AVX, …) User defined reduction #pragma omp declare reduction (identifier : typelist : combiner-expr) [initializer-clause] Atomic operations with sequential consistency (seq_cst)
OpenMP 4.0 Accelerator support Xeon Phi cards, GPUs, … #pragma omp target – offloads computation device(idx) map(variable map) #pragma target update