Economic Functions of Government Q: What is the Government’s Role? A: Set the Rules of the Game…
Maintaining Legal and Social Framework Example: Create laws and provide courts, provide information and services to help economy function better, establish a monetary system, define and enforce property rights. Framework only!
Eminent Domain (Kelo v. New London)
Eminent Domain
Providing Public Goods & Services Example: Provide goods and services that markets are unable or unwilling to provide, such as national defense. Roads, Parks, Schools… Providing for Market Failures
Public Goods
Maintaining Competition Example: Create and enforce antitrust laws; regulate natural monopolies. Block Mergers that lessen competitive markets— prohibit collusion…
Maintaining Competition
Redistributing Income Example: Higher income tax rates for rich than for poor, provide social security, and aid to dependent children, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid-- Controversial!!
Kids economic future
Future of Social Security?
Correcting for Externalities Externalities: negative or positive economic side effect. Implicit or explicit costs that spill over on other people or firms Ex: Taxes to reduce negative externalities: such as penalties for environmental pollution; subsidies to encourage positive externalities, such as scholarships.
Correcting for - Externalities
Stabilizing the Economy Example: Congressional budgets & spending and the money supply to promote economic growth, control inflation, and reduce unemployment. Actions of the Federal Reserve & Bernake. Raise or lower interest rates or money supply
Greenspan in Retirement
National Debt
Last function—Spend YOUR $