Department of Health and Human Services Mental Health and Developmental Services Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency 11/14/20111
Highlights Marijuana Registry Funding Caseload Waitlist Synar Program/Retailer Violation Rate – Tobacco Funding MHDS SAPTA2
Marijuana Registry Assembly Bill 528 To provide alcohol and drug abuse programs to persons referred by an agency which provides child welfare services Budget of $700,000 Pilot Program Began November 01, 2011 MHDS SAPTA3
Marijuana Registry Funded Seven Treatment Providers Statewide Reimbursement – Fee for Unit of Service Modified SAPTA NHIPPS Database System to Track Referrals When marijuana registry funding runs out client will move to regular SAPTA funding with that treatment provider MHDS SAPTA4
Marijuana Registry Funding MHDS SAPTA5
Marijuana Registry Anticipate serving 335 adults with families Performance Indicators: – Increase access to substance abuse treatment services for individuals involved with Nevada Child Welfare Services – Reduce the time between contact by Child Welfare Services and the appointment scheduling with the treatment program – Reduce the time between the completion of the substance abuse assessment and admission into the appropriate level of treatment service or other determined services. – Increase overall admissions to individuals needing treatment services referred through the Child Welfare Services. MHDS SAPTA6
Treatment Admissions Caseload SAPTA MHDS SAPTA7
All Treatment Levels of Care by Year MHDS SAPTA8 Clients Served includes unduplicated Admissions.
Primary Drug of Choice Admissions to SAPTA Treatment Providers MHDS SAPTA9
Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Drug of Choice Admissions to SAPTA Treatment Providers MHDS SAPTA10
State Fiscal Year 2011 Major category 10/21/2015MHDS SAPTA11
Number of SAPTA Beds Trend MHDS SAPTA12
SAPTA Beds January /21/2015MHDS SAPTA13
Wait List Clients - as of last day of quarter MHDS SAPTA14
Wait List Service Levels Quarter 1 SFY 2012 MHDS SAPTA15
Priority Populations SAPTA Clients 1.Pregnant Injecting Drug User 2.Pregnant Substance User 3.Non Pregnant Injecting Drug User 4.All Other Substance Abusers MHDS SAPTA16
Tobacco Retailer Violation Rate Synar MHDS SAPTA17
SAPTA State Funding MHDS SAPTA18
State Liquor Tax Receipts SAPTA Funded Providers ($) 10/21/2015MHDS SAPTA19 Providers receiving funding for Civil Protective Custody and Detoxification Services.