Vegetarian diets © PDST Home Economics.
Types of vegetarians Strict vegetarian (Vegan) will not eat any animal food. Lacto vegetarian will not eat animal flesh but will eat milk and milk products Lacto ovo vegetarian will not eat animal flesh but will eat milk, dairy products and eggs
Why Vegetarian? Religion eg. Hindu Ethical reasons, against intensive farming or killing animals Healthier Cheaper, meats are expensive foods Family influence Fashion
Possible dietary problems Lack of HBV protein Lack of B 1, B 2, niacin and B 12 Lack of Vit A Lack of Iron
Guidelines for planning vegan meals Protein: Legumes and pulses esp. soya beans, nuts, cereals. Know about complimentary protein e.g. beans + rice make up HBV protein B 12 :Vegan foods that have been fortified e.g. soya milk, breakfast cereals or take B 12 tablets Calcium: eats lots of sesame seeds, broccoli, spinach, fortified soya milk. For iron include fortified breakfast cereals, dark green veg., wholemeal products,dried fruit, beans.
More guidelines Use soya milk, tofu and TVP instead of milk cheese and meat. Use vegetable spreads, oils, veg. stock cubes and agar instead of gelatine. Include the correct number of portions for all food groups from the vegan pyramid
Task Plan a days menus for a vegan and point out where guidelines have been used. Refer to Food Pyramid and Healthy Eating Guidelines