From Greek “protos” Major component in all animal and plant tissues Made up of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen
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Amino Acids › Building blocks for proteins › 20 amino acids 11 can be made in the body 9 are essential
Enzymes › Facilitate and accelerate chemical reactions Antibodies › Fight illness Hemoglobin › Transport oxygen in the blood Hormones › Regulate body functions
Growth and maintenance › Help grow and repair body tissues › Add structure to body tissues
10-35% of intake should be protein Males (18 + y/o): grams/day Females (18 + y/o): grams/day Calculation: › 0.8 gram/kilogram of body weight Infants needs the most protein
How do you get protein in your diet? Animal products are the best source › Meat, eggs, milk, legumes, grains, vegetables
Supply all essential amino acids in the correct amount for the body to use. › Animal proteins are complete
Plant proteins are incomplete › Exception: soybean protein Vegetarians need to eat plant proteins in combination
It is possible to get too much. › Extra calories › Kidney strain › Mineral loss › Heart disease › Cancer
What foods do you eat that contain protein? › Are there some that are better than others?
What is vegetarianism? Why become a vegetarian? › Scarcity of food › Religious beliefs › Concern for health or the environment › Concerns about animals
Semi-vegetarian Pesco-vegetarian Lacto-ovo-vegetarian Lacto-vegetarian Ovo-vegetarian Vegan Fruitarian
Lower risk of heart disease Lower risk of cancer Less likely to be overweight
Not getting enough protein Osteoporosis Anemia Choosing foods to eliminate health risks