Vegan vs. Vegetarian, what's the difference? By: Jennifer Abrefa
What's the difference Many people often ask what the differences are between a vegan diet and a vegetarian diet. The simple answer is that a vegan diet is one of a number of vegetarian diets. Typically, vegetarian diets are broken into three or more groups include lacto-ovo vegetarians (whose diets include eating dairy products and eggs), lacto vegetarians (who eat dairy, but avoid eggs), and vegan vegetarians (those who avoid animal products altogether).
Vegan and vegetarian Food restrictions Vegans eliminate all animal products from their diet, including dairy and eggs. Vegetarians also do not eat products that contain gelatin or other meat-based products. Vegans' tremendous compassion for animals is an abiding, overriding conviction in their lives. Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish or poultry but they tend to consume dairy products and eggs.
Vegan Being vegan, in the strictest sense of the word, is much more than just a diet. Vegans strive to avoid animal products in all aspects of their lives including clothing, cosmetic products, household items, and of course food. Therefore, the strict animal product-free vegetarian diet is only a part of being vegan. For most vegans the transition from a standard diet to their new lifestyle happens in stages. This can sometimes include stepping through a number of less strict vegetarian diets and then stepping up the lifestyle changes once a strict vegan diet has been achieved.
Other types of vegetarians Flexitarian/Semi-vegetarian Flexitarian/Semi-vegetarian You don’t have to be vegetarian to love vegetarian food! “Flexitarian” is a term recently coined to describe those who eat a mostly vegetarian diet, but occasionally eat meat. Pescatarian (also spelled pescetarian) Pescatarian (also spelled pescetarian) The word “pescatarian” is occasionally used to describe those who abstain from eating all meat and animal flesh with the exception of fish. Although the word is not commonly used, more and more people are adopting this kind of diet, usually for health reasons or as a stepping stone to a fully vegetarian diet.
Missing Nutrients for Vegetarians/Vegans From a nutritional standpoint, the only difference is that vegans need to take a B12 and amino acid supplement, since they have no dietary source of these nutrients. The nutrients for which you are at risk of not getting enough will depend on the foods that you have omitted from your diet. You can get all the nutrients you need on a lacto-ovo (eggs and milk) vegetarian diet without supplements.
Six kinds of vegetarian (by Ariel Leve) 1 The Diet Veggie. Otherwise known as the episodic vegetarian. They'll cut out meat for a few weeks and proudly declare, "I'm vegetarian now" with unwavering conviction. As soon as they say this you know it's only a matter of time before they're carving a turkey. Anything they say about how great it is being vegetarian doesn't count. 2 The Health-Conscious Veggie. This one is always talking about the virtues of avocado and the best source of protein. They work at a health food store and usually look anemic. 3 The Ambivalent Veggie. Having been vegetarian for so long, the ambivalent vegetarian worries they won't be able to digest meat any more and the fear of getting sick trumps everything. And also, they've lost the craving for meat which makes it easy. And also, they eat fish.
Six kinds of vegetarian (by Ariel Leve) 4 The Moral Veggie. Frequently self-righteous because they're vegetarian for moral reasons which makes them better than you. They tend to pass judgment on meat-eaters. 5 The Moral People-Pleasing Veggie. This person goes out of their way to pretend it's not a morality issue so as not to upset the person they're dining with and make them feel bad for ordering beef. They'll say, "No, it's fine. It doesn't bother me" while secretly resenting them. 6 The American Veggie. The vegetarian who sometimes eats bacon.
Vegetarian StatisticsData Number of Americans who are vegetarian7.3 Million Number of Americans who follow a “vegetarian- inclined diet.” 22.8 Million Number of Americans who are vegan1 Million Percent of kids age 8 to 18 that are vegetarians3 % Percent of adults who consider themselves vegetarians 10 % Percent of people surveyed who said they are "definitely interested" in following a vegetarian diet in the future 5.2 %
Veggie Stats Top Vegetarian Cities (Ranked by number of vegetarian restaurants) 1Portland, Oregon 2Seattle, Washington 3San Francisco, California 4New York, New York 5Atlanta, Georgia 6Washington, D.C. 7Minneapolis, Minnesota 8Austin, Texas 9Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10Chicago, Illinois Reasons cited for being a vegetarian Improve overall health 53 % Environmental concerns 47 % Natural approaches to wellness 39 % Food-safety concerns 31 % Animal welfare54 % Weight loss25 % Weight maintenance 24 %
Demographics of Vegetarians Percent of female vegetarians 59 % Percent of male vegetarians 41 % Percent age 18 to % Percent age 35 to % Percent over % Length of time being a vegetarian Percent who have followed a vegetarian diet for more than 10 years 57.1 % Percent who have followed a vegetarian diet for 5 to 10 years 18 % Percent who have followed a vegetarian diet for 2 to 5 years 10.8 % Percent who have followed a vegetarian diet for less than 2 years 14.1 %
Sources le=%2FPNS%2FPNS65_01%2FS X a.pdf&code=18a57cfb d13924f0d065b8f de le=%2FPNS%2FPNS65_01%2FS X a.pdf&code=18a57cfb d13924f0d065b8f de pdf pdf vegetarian.htm vegetarian.htm vegan_diet/page2.htm#what_are_the_potenti al_dangers_from_consuming_the_various_kinds_ of_vegetarian_and_vegan_diets vegan_diet/page2.htm#what_are_the_potenti al_dangers_from_consuming_the_various_kinds_ of_vegetarian_and_vegan_diets statistics/