Corruption By Ben, Tahir and Joe
Corruption To be corrupt is to be spiritually or morally impure or acting illegal. We think everybody has the ability to be corrupt because it is a choice and is normally used to gain power in such a situation, and most people want power
Most corrupt animals ◦We think the pigs are the most corrupt animals on the farm; especially Napoleon and Squealer. Napoleon is corrupt because he does a lot of things that would be considered corrupt; when the election happened he was the only candidate therefore the animals could only vote for him. Napoleon was also corrupt by selling boxer to the slaughterers to boiled into glue, they used the money from selling boxer to pay for alcohol for the pigs to get drunk.
Examples of animals using their power to benefit themselves The pigs use their power to have all the apples to themselves they also used squealer as propaganda to persuade the animals it was the right choice. The pigs also used their power to get into the farm house and use it for their personal uses.
Squealer Squealer represents propaganda but is also corrupt with Napoleon. He makes speeches for napoleon which are very persuading, mostly false and these speeches tried to get the animals to go onto Napoleon side. For example the windmill because squealer said to the animals that there would be less work for the animals
Animals that could have used their power to be corrupt but chose not to Snowball had power when he was still in the farm and could have used it corruptly but chose instead not to. Boxer, who was a very strong animal could have possibly overthrown the pigs with his strength, and as all the other animals admired him they may have stood by him and started a rebellion against the pigs, but chose not to, or was just too stupid to realise what was going on.
The re-writing of the Seven Commandments The Seven Commandments were written at the start of the rebellion. The commandments hade changed during napoleons reign. For instance the quote “ all animals are equal’’ this has been changed to “some animals more equal than others” this shows us that the commandments are corrupt and also communism is being changed in animal farm so the pigs and Napoleon have more power.