Hunting in Estonia
Forests – our treasure almost 50% of the territory of Estonia is covered with forest main species growing in Estonia are spruce, pine, birch, alder and aspen
Our wild friends Lynx Bear
Squirrel Elk
Hunters in our family
Mother 2% Father 6% Sister 0% Brother 0% Grandmother 2% Grandfather 6% Nobody 79% Other 4%
Why animals are hunted
For pastime activity 13% For keeping the species balanced 23% For getting food 57% For getting fur 6%
Furs in our family
Several clothing items of fur 6% No clothing items of fur 38% Do not know if there are clothing items of fur 55%
Vegetarians in our families
Nobody 87% Me 6% Father 4% Mother 1% Sister Brother Kogu pere 0%
Reasons for becoming a vegetarian
I am not a vegetarian 74% Parents as models 0% Desire to eat healthier food 11% Desire to save animals’ life 13% Other 2%