2 ND CRUSADE 2 nd Crusade ends with the fall of Edessa Eastern outpost of the crusades Total massacre of population when taken over by Turks
3 RD CRUSADE In 1187, the Muslim warrior Saladin defeated the Christians Saladin occupies many previously held Christian cities Eventually Saladin captures Jeruselem The Third Crusade lasted from 1189 to 1192 and was a direct result of Saladin’s victory’s
3 RD CRUSADE In 1191, the Crusaders recaptured the city of Acre (Akra) In 1192, a peace agreement was signed Jerusalem would be under Muslim control Christian pilgrims could visit holy sites
3 RD CRUSADE Three European rulers joined together to fight for Jerusalem King Richard I of England King Philip II Augustus of France Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa of Germany
4 TH CRUSADE The Fourth Crusade lasted from It started with the invasion of Egypt Then the Crusaders would march north into the Holy Land
4 TH CRUSADE Instead of fighting the Muslims, the Crusaders got involved in other conflicts The Crusaders captured Constantinople (a Christian city) The Fourth Crusade achieved none of its original goals
RESULTS OF THE CRUSADES Small Crusades sprouted up throughout the 13 th century and they failed for three reasons Political schemes Poor preparation Deaths of key western rulers
RESULTS OF THE CRUSADES The Crusades strengthened the power of the Medieval Church The Pope became more powerful because he organized the Crusades Europeans were introduced to new goods from southwest Asia Sugar, lemons, rice and spices The Crusaders returned to their homes with new ideas and inventions Windmill Compass Clock
END OF THE CRUSADES The Crusades ended in the year 1291 The goal of the Crusade was to take Holy Land from the Muslims Only the 1 st Crusade reached that goal