To Eat Meat or Not to Eat Meat? There Really is No Question.
Captive Bolt Stunning
PROTEIN 38 grams 18 grams FAT 44 grams < 1 gram (unsaturated: 16 grams)
Acidic Saliva Large Amounts of Hydrochloric Acid Secreted in Stomach Short Intestinal Tracts Alkaline Saliva Very Little Hydrochloric Acid in Stomach Long Intestinal Tracts
Works Cited Belger, Marisa. “Vegetarians vs. Carnivores”. Coombs Family Farms. 18 April Life Balance Media, LLC. Web. 10 November Freedman, Rory and Kim Barnouin. Skinny Bitch. Philiadelphia: Running Press, Print. Iven, Chris. “Meat Eater vs. Vegetarian—there is no right or wrong.” 08 April The Post-Standard. Web. 15 November “The Nutrition Source. Protein. The Bottom Line.” Harvard School of Public Health. Web. 09 November “If Slaughterhouses Had Glass Walls.” Vegan Outreach. Web. 09 November 2009.